Part 36

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Third Person point of view: 

"I need to go." Clint said then sprinted into the elevator. Jarvis took him up to him and Natasha's room. The doors opened and Clint let tears fall from his face. He grabbed the bottle of brandy off of their bookshelf and his duffel bag that he kept by the door and left the tower at a sprint. He ran for about three blocks only stopping once to take a sip out of the bottle in his hand. He found the apartment building he was looking for and made his way up the well worn stairs. Clint found the door he was looking for and sneakily broke in. 

The apartment was a worn down one bedroom that was a mess. There were dirty dishes in the sink and clothes all over the floor not to mention the endless amount of blood filled paper towels that were strewn all over the kitchen table. Clint threw his bag on to the sofa and sat on the counter and took a few more drinks out of the brandy bottle. Clint let the tears fall freely until someone opened the door and spotted him. 

"Clint? What the hell are you doing here?" Wade Wilson asked as he saw Clint and set his backpack down next to the door. He didn't get a response other than Clint taking a few more drinks.

"Well since you're here and from the looks of things buddy you got the time. Mind explaining to me everything that's been happening?"

Clint screamed and threw the bottle at Wade's face hitting him smack in the center and the glass shattered on impact. 

"OK. That hurt." Wade said pulling a piece of glass out of his cheek. "So something's wrong. What happened?" Wade asked sincerely. 

"I found out Tasha was pregnant the night I asked her to marry me. That was about two months before our wedding, maybe three. We were both happy with waiting until after the baby was born to get married, but we got married so quick because the Russian government was trying to take her back to Russia." Clint choked out between sobs.

Wade sat at the kitchen table and stared as Clint caught his breath. 

"Today Tasha went into labor and tried to give birth to our little girl. It almost killed her and..." Clint lost his words to tears. 

Wade handed Clint a paper towel off the roll.

"Our little girl was stillborn. She didn't make it. There was nothing that anyone could have done." Clint said and took a deep breath. "Tasha's in a coma now and they aren't sure if she's going to make it, and they don't know when she's going to wake up."

"Clint! You aren't making any sense. If Natasha is in a coma, why are you here?" 

"Because Wade it's all my fault!" Clint screamed. "I did this to Tasha. It's all my fault! I got her pregnant and I'm the reason she kept the baby!" 

"Clint, if Natasha really didn't want the baby you wouldn't have been able to change her mind. It was her choice, and from the sounds of it she knew the risks."

"No Wade, you don't understand. Natasha always wanted kids, but we both knew that it wasn't possible. When we found out she was pregnant we were ecstatic, everyone was. I did this to her Wade. I'm the one who landed her in a coma, I don't deserve her."

"Clint, don't say that. Natasha is going to pull through. She always does, and the both of you have been through things that are a hundred times worse. This is just a misstep, it'll all work out." Wade said walking over and putting his hand on Clint's shoulder.

"Wade, she was our little girl. She was our everything. I was going to quit S.H.I.E.L.D for her, and now..."

"She's gone. I know Clint. I know." Wade said letting Clint cry on his shoulder. 

"There was so much I wanted to do with her, so many things we were going to do together. I was going to teach her how to shoot a bow. Tasha and I were going to take her to Disneyland. We were going to hold her and teach her and watch her grow. She was our second chance, our new life! She was our everything!" Clint was yelling while sobbing. 

"I know Clint, I know. It'll get better, I promise."

"Wade, how am I going to tell Tasha if she ever wakes up? What if she doesn't wake up? I won't know what to do. Tasha is my world, she's my life. I can't lose her too." Clint said starting to hyperventilate. 

"Clint. Breath. You know what you need to do. You need to get your shit together and get your ass back to the tower because Natasha needs you right now, and you can't help her if you're throwing yourself a pity party here." Wade said trying to calm Clint down.

Clint took a few deep breaths and hopped off the counter. He turned on the sink and splashed some water in his face, he opened Wade's liquor cabinet grabbed a bottle of tequila and took a shot straight out of the bottle. "You're right. Thanks Wade." Clint said giving Wade a hug. 

"Hey man anytime. But maybe next time we could do this on better circumstances." 

Clint nodded, grabbed his bag and left the apartment building to head back to the tower. He was at Wade's house for a little over four hours. On his way back to the tower he stopped at the corner store and grabbed another bottle to drink.            

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