Part 56

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Author's Note: Hi guys! So as you know I don't typically do these but I think you guys should know this. I was going through some stuff when I first wrote the last chapter so I wrote really out of character for the Clint and Natasha part, you guys should probably go back and re-read the last chapter because this one won't really make a lot of sense if you don't. I am so sorry you guys that one was on me. 

P.S. Even if you don't really care about being confused you're going to want to re-read that one because there is a lot more passion and a lot less clothing!  

P.P.S: Also, I'm terribly sorry about the super long time between updates! Please forgive me. 

Third person point of view:

Bucky left the room and made his way up to the kitchen not encountering anyone until he saw Steve standing in the kitchen over a pot of something on the stove. Steve's shoulders were shaking slightly and he had Jarvis playing forties music, something he only listened to when he was sad. Bucky walked up next to him quietly, trying his best to not startle him.

"Hey Stevie, you OK?" Bucky asked after he noticed the tears that were on Steve's face.

"Oh, hi Buck. Yeah, I'm fine, I was just chopping onions, sorry." He lied, putting on a fake smile and wiping the tears off of his face quickly.

"No you're not. You were crying, who hurt you? I swear they will never see the light of day again."

"No, Bucky it's fine. It doesn't matter it's no big deal. I'm making dinner, so you want to help?" He lied again.

"Steven, tell me what's going on right now." Bucky threatened.

"Bucky, it's bad. I don't know how to say it."

"Steve, what is it?"

"They are discontinuing the search for Natasha. They think she's dead Buck. They found her letter, the Red Room building was a pile of ash by the time anyone got there. There was bodies everywhere, they think Natasha is one of them. It'll take days to sort through everything, they have to assume the worst. They wouldn't let us go look for her." Steve choked out without looking up from the pot he was stirring.

"What? No. Natasha she's..." Bucky stopped himself before he could reveal the truth.

"I'm sorry Buck. It's true. Fury was pretty torn up. I know how much your little ballerina meant to you." Steve said lovingly and looking up at Bucky for the first time.

"Have they found her body?"

"No not yet. They are still searching."

"Then Natasha's fine. I'm not going to believe that she's dead until her body is in front of me, I suggest you do the same." Bucky said turning around to leave the kitchen.

"Bucky. What do you mean? Where are you going?"

"I'm going out to go look for her again, she probably isn't too far." He shouted over his shoulder. Bucky left the kitchen and made his way back into the main elevator to head down to Natasha and Clint's room to make his way back to the secret med-bay.

Clint opened the door to the med-bay slightly out of breath with an idiotic smile on his face, and was met with the surprising sight of Bruce and Bucky arguing with each other.

"... Bruce that was the wrong move! What the hell were you thinking?" Bucky screamed at Bruce who was holding the baby in his arms, trying his best to calm her down. 

"I was thinking that this little fighter needs a hearing aid because it is imperative that during the first few weeks that a baby is born they are able to hear their parents so they know who it is safe to be around. Natasha and Clint already missed out on probably the first week to no fault of their own so they need to make up for it!" Bruce yelled exasperated. 

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