Part 34

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Third person point of view:

"Bruce, I got them. Wait what are doing?" Clint said walking into the room while Bruce was prepping Natasha for surgery. 

"I've got to stop the bleeding. I'm taking out her uterus, it's the only way to stop it." Bruce said while still working on Natasha. 

"Helen take those from Clint and get an infusion started. Tony I need you to give me the highest amount Nat can get without killing her, Bucky I need you to keep that I.V. in because Natasha may need more blood and go wait outside with Clint." Bruce said giving everyone their instructions.

"Bruce I'm not going to leave Natasha." Clint said with tears in his eyes. 

"Well Clint I can't deal with that fact right now. I need everyone to leave other than Helen because as soon as Tony gives me the dose he's leaving too." Bruce said barely keeping himself together.

"OK. Fine, just take care of Natasha because I can't lose her too." Clint said then turned to walk out of the door with Bucky. When Clint exited he was bombarded with everyone asking questions.

"Is Natasha OK?" Sam asked. 

"What happened?" Rhodey asked.

"Does Natasha need to be taken to Asgard?" Thor bellowed.

"Is the baby OK?" Pepper joined the barrage of questions and Clint finally got too overwhelmed. 

"The baby died!" Clint screamed letting a few tears slip down his cheeks. "I need to go." Clint ran into the elevator and disappeared. 

The shock registered on everyone's face. Bucky went and sat down and put his head in his hands. Rhodey and Sam simply looked at each other too stunned to say anything, lightning cackled down Thor's arms all the way down to his fingertips, and Pepper she took it the worst. Pepper sat down in her chair and began to cry, when Tony came out of the room he sat next to her, kissed her on her forehead, and held her while she cried. When Bruce finished the surgery he immediately came out of the room and ignored everyone's questions, disappearing into the elevator. 

Steve who didn't know any of the heartbreak that was going on downstairs came down to meet his niece after painting her name across the nursery walls. When he arrived he was utterly confused by the somber scene. Pepper still had tears coming out of her eyes but she had stopped sobbing. Tony was whispering to her saying comforting things to calm her down, Bucky was staring blankly at the wall ahead of him while Rhodey and Sam sat with their heads in their hands. Thor had left earlier and had not returned.

"Guys what's going on? What happened? Bucky, what's wrong?" Steve said coming up to him, without receiving a response. Pepper ran out of the room and Tony quickly followed after her. 

Sam stood and began to explain. "Steve, the baby, she didn't make it. Bruce just finished up surgery to save Natasha."

"What? No. What happened?" Steve said not believing Sam.

"We don't know. No one has been able to tell us anything, Clint and Bruce both left and they were too upset to say anything and Helen Cho hasn't left Natasha's side. We haven't been told we can go in either." Sam said trying to explain.

"OK." Steve said going up to the door and knocking. "Helen, it's Steve can we come in and see Natasha?" He asked when he got a response and the door opened up.

The remaining guys walked into the hospital room with Bucky leading the charge. Bucky stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Natasha. She had three I.V.'s in leading to different colored bags of fluid, she had large bandages over her stomach, her hair was matted and being held in a sloppy ponytail and her skin was as white as the sheets she was laying on.

"What the hell did you do to her?" Bucky screamed at Helen. 

"I saved her life. Well Bruce did anyway. She's stable now, we just need to see when she wakes up." Helen replied calmly. 

"What do you mean see when she wakes up?" Rhodey asked looking at Natasha's I.V.'s 

"Well, while Natasha was in labor the scar tissue around her womb ripped open. Most humans wouldn't survive it, Natasha barely did, she's in a coma now. I'm hoping that she'll wake up soon, but I'm not sure when."

"She looks like she's dead. What happened?" Bucky whispered standing next to Natasha's bed with Steve right beside him while Rhodey, Sam, and Helen talked medical jargon. 

"She's not, Buck. She'll be fine. She'll pull through like she always does, we just have to be here when she wakes up." Steve whispered back and pulled Bucky into a hug but he pulled away.

"No Steve not right now. I need to be here for her, this is my fault, she shouldn't be like this right now but she is. I need to take care of my little sister right now because her fuck up of a husband left her."

"Bucky, this isn't your fault, you didn't do anything. Clin..." Steve was cut off by Bucky.

"Just leave please. I want to be alone with my little sister." Bucky said pulling up a chair. Steve nodded and walked out of the room taking Sam and Rhodey with him.     


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