Part 57

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Third person point of view: 

Natasha walked over to the other side of the room with Bruce and sat down in a chair as Bruce got out supplies. 

"So Nat, how bad is it?" Bruce asked as she pulled off her sweatpants, revealing the large bandage on the side of her thigh and the booty shorts that she was wearing underneath. 

"Could be worse, I've taken worse since I've been gone. It should be healed soon." She said revealing the still large gash in her leg. 

"What happened?" He asked getting out the things he needed to stitch her up. 

"Explosion. I think, there was some shrapnel or debris. I'm not really sure, I haven't focused on it until now really." Natasha took a deep breath as Bruce poured alcohol in it to insure it was clean. 

"Has Clint seen it yet?" He asked, putting his hand in her leg to keep it still as he began the process of putting in the stitches. 

"Yeah, but it was masked by a lot of other blood, we were also a little preoccupied." She hinted with a smile. 

"Worried about your daughter?" He asked without looking up. 

"Something like that." 

Bruce looked up at her with confusion until he saw the look on her face. "Oh." He chuckled. "Was that your guys first time since Elizabeth?" He asked curiously. 

"We didn't get that far, but it would have been, it was our first moment, or well our first chance I guess you could say." She continued to smile through the pain. 

"Did you want it to go further? I know you guys have been through a lot lately."

"Yeah, I think so. I stopped it though, we have more important things to worry about than that. The baby needs to come first right now." 

"Spoken like a true mother." Bruce said with a smile. 

"Oh, shut up." Natasha teased. 

"No seriously Nat. You are a mother and no matter what you think or believe, you were meant to be a mother. I know with what everything that happened with Elizabeth it may not seem like it, but it really is. I see how you are with your daughter, I saw how you were with Elizabeth, well before she was born. I know that the little girl out there isn't your biological daughter, but she might as well be. She's your second chance and I know how hesitant you are to do this, but you're going to be fine, it's going to be fine." Bruce said looking up after he finished his last stitch.    

"You checked?" Natasha asked quietly. 

"It was the first thing I checked for, she isn't biologically either of yours. I was almost wishing she was, but I know how you would feel about that." 

"Did you check for Bucky? She has his eyes and they did so much screwed up stuff in that hell hole I wouldn't be surprised if..." Natasha trailed off as Bucky walked in.  

"If what?" Bucky asked walking in.  

"I asked Bruce if the baby was somehow yours, she has eyes almost exactly like yours. You know who they are, I wouldn't put it past them." Natasha said without looking at him, after she finished Bucky only looked at Bruce for an answer, she did the same. 

"I checked, nothing. She isn't from anyone that we know. I even ran it through the criminal database, I found nothing." He said, as Natasha and Bucky shared a look and then Bucky left. Bruce knew they would talk later.  After an awkward silence for a few minutes an alarm went off. 

"Oh, Nat it's time to feed the baby, do you want to try and breastfeed again or do you want to use the formula?" Bruce asked getting up to turn off the alarm. 

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