Part 29

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Third person point of view: 

"Natasha! I'm leaving. I'll call you when I get to the store." Clint yelled to Natasha who was in the kitchen making herself a late breakfast. 

"OK. Me and Pepper will tell you all the things we need to get." 

Clint made his way down in the elevator but was stopped by Tony on the ground floor. "Clint where are you going" Tony asked.

"I'm heading down to the store to get some stuff for the nursery. I'm going to call Nat when I get there so I don't screw up and get the wrong stuff."

"Sounds like fun. I'm coming with you."

"What? Tony you don't have to."

"No it is absolutely imperative that I come with you, because I need to approve everything for the youngest Avenger's room. I mean it is going to be in the tower and all."

"OK. Fine at least I won't be alone. Do you want to drive or do you want me too?"

"I'll drive." Tony said getting into the car and starting it up. The guys drove for about 15 minutes until they arrived at the mall with all of the stores. They walked into the first store and Clint called Nat on his phone. 

"Hey Nat. So we just got to the store. What do we need to get first?" 

"Who's we?"

"Oh hello agent Romanoff. I'm very offended that you didn't think to invite me to go shopping for my niece. I mean she is going to be staying in the tower, right? You guy's are going to stay in the tower?" Tony said when Clint turned the camera onto Tony.

"That's a long way's away, but yes for now we are going to be staying in the tower. OK. So what are the options for strollers?" Natasha asked.

"There is this cute pink one Nat. Can you see it?" Clint showed her the stroller and Nat shot it down. Stark had wandered out of view of the camera and came back with the most expensive and fancy stroller he could find. 

"You guys are getting this one. I'm buying it." 

"Tony no. We are buying the stuff, and we don't need the fanciest or the most expensive. I mean we won't even be able to use the stroller that much." Nat said over the phone.

"I don't care it's already in the cart and yes I am buying it because if I don't Pepper will kill me."


"Stop, Natasha, you aren't going to win this one." Tony said pushing the cart away from Clint who was holding the phone. "Come on Clint keep up!" 

They both stopped at the cribs and Tony pulled Clint and Natasha away very quickly.

"Tony what the hell! We need a crib for the baby to sleep in." Clint said trying to shake off Tony's grip.

"No you guy's don't I have it covered. Don't worry about it."

"Uhh. Tony. The baby needs to sleep in a crib, we do not have a crib, so we need to buy one." Natasha said trying to explain it slowly.

"No you don't. I told you that. I have it covered." 

Natasha paused the facetime and called for Pepper. "Pepper! Please come here and try and talk some sense into your boyfriend."

"If it's about the crib, he's got it covered." Pepper said walking over and sitting next to Natasha on the couch. Natasha resumed the facetime and told the gentlemen to keep moving.

"So Natasha, how's my little niece doing in there?"

"She's good. She's been moving a lot more lately, especially more now that Clint's back."

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