Part 51

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Third person point of view: 

"Bruce check the monitors again we haven't seen a possible spotting of Natasha in over three weeks. This isn't right, something's wrong." Tony shouted running into the lab. 

"Do it yourself, I think I'm onto something." Bruce shouted back without looking up from his computer. 

"Ugh fine! J, re-calibrate the computers and open the search up to all across the world again, we can't miss her because we were looking in too small a radius." Tony mumbled while furiously typing. 

"Tony I'm sure she's fine. She probably just changed her hair again, she has a habit of doing that when something bad happens. Now would you stop making so much noise? I'm trying to figure this out!" Bruce screamed as Tony kept typing and started knocking things over. 

"Well at least I'm doing something productive! All you've been doing for the past three months is moping and working on the same problem that can't be solved!" 

"Oh really? I've been doing nothing productive? I'm trying to figure out what happened to Elizabeth so maybe just maybe Natasha will come back! All you've been doing is sitting there chasing a ghost! She isn't going to be found until she wants to be and I am trying to make it so she will want to come back!" Bruce yelled. 

"I'm not chasing a ghost I'm chasing Natasha and now I'm starting to think that you aren't telling me something!" 

"Oh my god Tony! You're paranoid! Can't you see that?"

"Boys!" Pepper screamed from the lab stairs and the both of them stopped staring daggers at each other long enough to stare at her. 

"Don't call us boys. The only person who gets to call us that is Natasha." Tony said angrily.

"Well I get to right now because you are acting like children. Tony, that's enough time in the lab for today, you're coming with me. Bruce I'm not in charge of you, but you should take a break. Go see Bucky or something, he's up in the kitchen, he's making lunch." Pepper instructed and Tony followed her orders immediately and trailed out of the room just behind Pepper. 

"Why did you do that? We were fine." Tony said once they were out of earshot of Bruce. 

"Because. We need to talk." Pepper said coldly while they got into the elevator and rode it to the penthouse. 

"What is there to talk about? I'm looking for Natasha, I'm going to find her, it's just taking me longer than I had expected. I'll have your best friend back to you soon enough." Tony said annoyed as they entered the penthouse. 

"Tony. We need to talk, what's really going on? Please tell me, I'm here for you."

"I'm... I'm fine. I just miss Natasha, that's all." 

"No Tony. When you miss Natasha you act like a moody fifteen year old and act out to try and get her attention. Come on, what's going on?" 

"It's just. I haven't seen anything on the monitors that even come within a twenty percent match of Nat in over three weeks. Before we were getting up to sixty percent matches almost every other day. She has either gone completely dark, gotten captured, or..." Tony trailed off putting his head in his hands. 

"Hey, hey look at me. Look at me." Pepper said guiding Tony's head gently to look at her. "Natasha can take care of herself, she's been gone for longer before and we didn't get anything from her that time either. She is probably fine, she's just being Nat." 

"No, I'm not worried about other people hurting Natasha. I'm worried that she has already killed herself and we weren't there to stop it! We weren't there for her, which is why she did it!" Tony screamed frantic

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