Part 40

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Third person point of view: 

Thor left the delivery room not long after Clint stormed off and he quickly made his way to the roof.

"Heimdall! Bring me back to Asgard this instant!" He bellowed as the rainbow light shot down and sucked him away to the far off realm. 

Thor arrived in the golden room that housed the entrance to the bi-frost and stormed past the waiting Heimdall.

"Thor, do you want to take a minute to cool down before you go see your mother?" The all seeing god asked after he saw more lightning cackle down Thor's arms. 

"No! And I'm not going to see my mother I'm going to see my brother!" Thor screamed as he spun his hammer that then carried him off to the palace where he saw Lady Sif. 

"Thor you have returned from Midgard early! Shall we call a feast to commemorate another victory of the Son of Odin?" She asked cheerfully but was ignored as Thor continued to stew on his walk to the prison. Thor makes his way down the stairs with lightning still cackling down his arms while he flips Mjolnir. He sees the sleeping Loki and chucks the hammer at his cage at full force. 

"Wake up you piece of shit!" Thor screams at him.

"Well good morning to you too brother. What's got you in such a good mood?" Loki looks over while still laying down.

"Shut up! Let's spar!"

"Umm Thor how would you suggest we do this? There is this thing called a barrier that not even you can knock down." 

"You wanna bet?" The god of thunder asks looking for a challenge. 

"Not even you dear brother are dumb enough to release me into Asgard. I would assume that you are mad at me for something, do mind telling me so I can go back to my nap?" 

"My anger is none of your business Loki."

"Well obviously it is, considering you wanted to kill me two seconds ago." 

"I never said kill, I wanted to spar, there is a difference."

"How big of a difference is there? Either way I would end up in the healing room. Well seeing as you aren't mad at me I would assume that it has something to do with those pesky midgardians that you call friends." 

"How dare you bring them up. You are not worthy to speak of them."

"So it is the midgardians?" Loki says with a smirk. "What is it? Did they finally realize that you are nothing more than a stupid spoiled prince, who doesn't deserve the throne?"

"Wouldn't that make you happy, but no something much worse has happened." Thor said gravely. 

Loki sit up at hearing this news and gives Thor an inquisitive look. "Oh did the red head finally reject you?"

Thor becomes slightly unhinged and bellows. "How dare you speak of Natasha in that way!"

"Oh yes Natasha, that was her name. The archers beloved."

Thor's jaw dropped in shock as he disbelievingly says, "How do you know about them? You have been locked up since before they got together." 

"Oh the things I know about the two of them would make your luscious locks curl. They've been together for ages."

"Oh so you know about the child then?"

"What child? Natasha cannot bear children. Did they take a page out of Odin's playbook and steal a child of their mortal enemy?" 

"No, Natasha was pregnant with their child." Thor says coldly

"Was? When did Natasha have the child? You haven't kept me caged that long."

Thor says nothing and simply gives Loki a cold stare. 

"The child's gone isn't it?" Loki says questioningly, not letting his genuine concern show through. 

Thor nods his head and turns away, saddened by the reminder and goes to walk up the stairs, but is stopped by Loki rising from his bed and walk over to the edge of the barrier.

"I am truly sorry for their loss and yours brother. If it would help I would create an illusion like when we were younger." Loki says sincerely

Thor continues on his way to his bedroom and makes his way up the stairs. He was nearly there when he saw the lovely Frigga standing in front of his bedroom door. 

"Please move mother I am not in the mood for a lecture." Thor says sadly with tears in his eyes. 

"Why would you need a lecture? Do you need a lecture?" She said putting her hand on his shoulder when he got close enough. 

"I don't want to talk about it mother!" Thor screamed as a small electrical shock zapps Frigga. 

"Well obviously you need to. Come, I had the staff prepare your favorite treats for when you returned." Frigga said gently as she took Thor by the hand to lead him to her chambers. When they arrived Thor's favorite desserts from all of the nine realms were laid out on the table off to the side as Thor plopped himself in his favorite chair which sat across from his mothers'. Frigga had got a plate out and piled it high with a variety of sweets and brought it over to her sulking son.

"So Thor do you want to tell me what's going on or do I need to pry it out of you because you have been acting very strange these last few months."

"I'm telling you mother, that its nothing, please?" Thor said entirely unsure of himself, he always got this way when he lied to his mother. 

"Thor you know I know when you're lying. You've never been as good as your brother." 

"He says he isn't my brother mother! And I wish he wouldn't I love him more dearly than he can ever imagine." Thor says starting to cry.  

"So that's what this is about? Your brother?" Frigga said not falling for Thor's lame excuse of a distraction.

"No, this isn't!" Thor said starting to breakdown. "It's about lady Natasha."

"Your red-headed friend from midguard, from what I've heard she is very lovely. What is the problem love? You need to use your words." 

"She had Barton's baby and Banner was supposed to deliver the child but the baby . And Pepper was so upset and Tony had to get the enhancers to save Natasha, and Bucky had to give his blood and I didn't understand. I got upset so I had to leave and now Heimdall won't let me see her and now I think that she's dead." Thor said while sobbing and almost hyperventilating. 

"Thor dear, slow down, take a breath. Whose dead?"

"I think Lady Natasha is dead. They already said she lost the baby, we can't lose Natasha too. They are my best friends and I don't know what to do mother!" Thor said still crying.

"That's who the charm was for, it was for their daughter. Thor why didn't you tell me sooner we could have tried to do something?"

"The Bartons asked me not to speak of it to anyone, they have many enemies and they didn't want the child to be harmed. I guess it doesn't matter though, I was supposed to be the baby's uncle. The Bartons said that I could bring her here on the weekends and show her all the beautiful sights in all of the nine realms. I think she would have loved it here, I would have had the bands play for her whenever we arrived so she could feel like a real princess."

"That sounds beautiful Thor, I feel like I would have loved the Barton child, from what you have told me her parents seem lovely." 

"They really are mother. They made me an uncle and lady Natasha would let me feel her belly when the child moved, it was quite odd at first, but then I grew to like it. Mother I am very tired. I'm going to go to my room to get some rest I will see you later on" Thor said rising and getting a hug from his mother and then making his way to his room.     

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