Part 7

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Third person point of view:

Clint and Natasha walked through the warm New York summer twilight hand in hand, surrounded by towering trees that encompassed them from all sides blocking out the shine of the bright city lights. The night was so peaceful and serene it was the perfect night for Clint to ask Natasha to marry him. 

Clint was debating just asking her right now and forgetting all about dinner because no one was around the park, thanks to Fury, and it was so beautiful. The war in Clint's head continued as they walked in silence until Clint had made up his mind. He was going to ask her right now he loved her so much and he couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with her, so why wait?

"Natasha I have been waiting to tell you this. I should have told you earlier, but I couldn't do it. I love you. You have been the bright spot on my dark days. When I would fall you would catch me. When I had nothing I had you. I probably should have done this in a more traditional way, but who cares. We have what we have when we have it. You are the love of my life, and I wouldn't be able to live without you so." Clint gets down on one knee and pulls the ring box out of his pocket "Will you marry me?"

Natasha's face had gone deathly pale and her eyes had gained the look of a caged animal. She was scared before but now she was terrified. Tears had started to fall from her eyes as she spilled her final secret to Clint. "Clint I am pregnant. And, and you don't want to marry me. I am not fit to be your wife or anyone else's for that matter and especially not be a mother. The Red Room made me to be a weapon that is why they thought they sterilized me. And be your wife you deserve someone better than me. I am only what they made me to be, I am only a weapon I don't deserve to be loved." tears were streaming down her face as she started pacing her words became more incoherent and she became hysterical until, Clint ran up to her and swept her off of her feet wrapping her in a hug.

"Natasha! This is amazing! We're pregnant! Why would you think that I wouldn't want to marry you because you are pregnant. You are not the weapon they made you to be you are so much more. You are an amazing woman who cares so deeply about the world. I mean you're an Avenger for fucks sake, and I know you have changed because had this happened five years ago you never would have even told me and I never would have seen you again." Natasha had started to relax so Clint set her down but still held her in his arms "Natasha I love you and nothing is going to change that."

Clint let Natasha go but still kept her close as he walked around her to stand at her back and put his hands over her stomach. "Natasha how long have you known about the baby?" he whispered in her ear. 

"I didn't find out until Fury told me this morning. He said that you were the one who tipped him off about me acting different." She kissed him on his cheek.

"I wasn't supposed to tell you until later. I told Pepper and she planned this big surprise for you, but I guess I freaked out when you asked me to marry you and spoiled the surprise." 

"Speaking of the proposal you never said yes or no you just kind of freaked out on me." Clint said sheepishly. 

"Clint you are the only man I have ever loved. You are the man who taught me what love was. You spared my life and gave me a second chance when no one else would. You are one of the three people in this universe that I trust with my life. You've always had my back and I always have yours. You are the father of my child. So yes Clinton Francis Barton I will mary you." Natasha said with determination and conviction in her eyes. Natasha and Clint lent in for a kiss and kissed with such passion and hunger you would have thought they would never see each other again. 

When they broke for air they leaned their foreheads against each other and Natasha whispered "We should probably get going Pepper is waiting for us."        

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