Part 53

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Third person point of view: 

Bucky set his plane down in a clearing in a thick grove of trees right next to the coordinates that Natasha had sent him and he had in turn sent to Clint, who was still on his way. Bucky walked out of the plane and was met with Natasha holding a gun to him.

"Relax it's just me." He said coming out of the jet with his hands up. 

"Good. How many weapons did you bring? We should be expecting them to put up a good fight." Natasha asked trying to focus on the mission. 

"I cleared out my storage locker so we should have enough, plus whatever you brought." Bucky said going back in and bringing out the duffel bags two at a time. When he returned with all of the bags Natasha was looking at the first one quietly so he spoke up. 

"So, you want to tell me what's been going on? Where you've been? Why the hell we are going after them in the middle of winter, and why we are all of a sudden doing it?" He asked sarcastically.

"They killed Elizabeth. They murdered my daughter, they are the reason she is dead. I saw no point in waiting a second longer to destroy the bastards who took everything from me." Natasha growled angrily. 

"Good point. But uh how do you know this? I don't doubt you, but you and I have a tendency to run ops on bad intelligence." Bucky said walking around to stand in front of Natasha to stall her. 

"This isn't bad intelligence I checked myself and I know my source is good. OK? Why are you all of a sudden so hesitant to take down the bastards who tortured us and nearly murdered us on a daily basis, and are responsible for your niece and my daughters death?" Natasha screamed. 

"Natalia, what's going on? I've never seen you like this."

"Yeah well, I've never lost a child before, especially not my child that I had with the man that I love, who blames me for our daughters death." She said without looking up from the second and third duffel bags. 

"Talia, look at me." Bucky said squatting down and guiding her face to look at his. "Clint doesn't blame you for this, he never has. I sat there and watched him worry and obsess over you every minute of every day that you were in a coma. After you woke up he thought you were going to stay or at least run with him so you guys could deal with this together. He was heartbroken when you left and he has been ever since, which is why he didn't start looking for you until a month ago. Clint doesn't blame you for this, he blames himself for doing this to you, for putting you through all of this."

Natasha pulled her face out of his light grasp and stood up shaking her head and imperceptibly wipe the tears that had started coming from her eyes. "We better get going, we still have about an hour and a half drive." 

"What car are we taking?"

"A jeep I encountered. Come on we don't have all day. I would like to put these bastards in their graves by sundown." She said grabbing two of the duffels and walking them over to a jeep that was hidden behind a tree.

"Yeah. I'm right behind you, let me grab my jacket because I don't expect you to be running the heater. I've always hated how much you love the cold." Bucky yelled over to her and running into the plane to grab his jacket and phone to tell Clint the updated location. He quickly grabbed his things and made his way over to the jeep and threw all of the bags in the back and hopped into the front seat. 

"So do they know we're coming?"

"I'm pretty sure they do. I think my cab driver tipped them off, I don't care though, I want a good fight."

"How much force are we putting into this? I know you've tried going after them before, but they kept sprouting back up."

"I am going to make sure that they never see the light of day again. I will hurt them so bad that their ghosts won't even be able to find their graves. They aren't going to rise up again because all of those other times I was trying to follow my rules. This time there is no rules. They killed my daughter I will show them no mercy. They brought this upon themselves, the Red Death is coming, and this time I am taking no prisoners. This isn't just a fight, this is a war that they started and I am going to finish." Natasha seethed. 

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