Part 23

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Third person point of view:

"Pepper! Hey Pepper! I've got an idea for how to tell tony" Natasha yelled throughout the penthouse. "Pepper where are you? Pep- oh there you are. What's wrong?" Natasha found Pepper lying on the couch with a hot pack on her stomach. 

"Well there is good news and bad news. What do you want first?" Pepper asked sarcastically.

"Bad news?" Natasha said confused. 

"The bad news is I'm not pregnant. I was just really late this month, and my cramps are killing me." Pepper said.

"Oh my god. Pepper, I'm so sorry!" Natasha said giving her a hug.

"The good news is we didn't tell anyone. So we don't have to explain anything." Pepper said sadly.

"I'm so sorry Pepper. I know how much you want kids. Is there anything I can do?"

"Natasha it's OK. Really. Now maybe Tony and I can do it the traditional way. I mean it's not like I lost the baby, I just jumped the gun. I'm fine really. But what about you? How did the surgery go?"

"It went perfect. They removed the device and Bruce is examining it now. The baby did fine during the surgery and I just have to rest till tomorrow. So we are calling a family meeting so Clint and I can get some ideas for baby names, but Fury and Coulson can't come, so it'll just be us. Actually speaking of the meeting, we need to get going so we aren't late." Natasha said helping Pepper up.    

The elevator ride was short and when the doors opened they were met with most of the avengers, excluding Bruce and Tony, and the addition of Maria who was sitting very close to Sam. Bucky was sitting on the couch while Steve stood next to the poster board with Clint. Rhodey was next to Thor, trying to explain to him once again that Natasha didn't have the baby yet and this was a Midgardian tradition to do before the baby was born.  

"Guys where are Tony and Bruce? They need to be here." Natasha asked the group.

"I think they are down in the workshop. I'll go get them." Pepper sighed.

"Thank you Pepper." Natasha said as Pepper got in the elevator.

Pepper stepped off the elevator to find Tony sitting at his desk surrounded by projections with AC/DC music blaring.

"Tony! Tony!" Pepper screamed to get his attention but was unsuccessful. "Jarvis cut the music." She  said at a normal volume and the music stopped instantly. 

"Hey! Jar- oh hi Pepper. What's up?"

"Tony we're having a family meeting upstairs and you're needed."

"Tell them that whatever is going on I'm not needed for. I'm working." Tony said turning back to his projections.

"Oh so you don't want to help pick the name for our future niece or nephew?" Pepper asked.

"What no! That's what's going on? Here I come." Tony said frantically shutting down the computer and rushing into the elevator. "Are you coming Pepper?" 

"I'll meet you up there. I've got to get Bruce." Tony nodded as the elevator doors closed and Pepper walked off to find Bruce. 

"Bruce are you down here?" She called into the lab.

"Yeah. I'm over here." He called from his computer.

"What are you doing? We've got a family meeting to get to, come on."

"I don't need to go Pepper. Go on without me. You guys don't need me there." Bruce said somberly.

"What do you mean we don't need you. We need everyone. We're helping Nat and Clint pick out baby names and Nat wants everyone there."

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