Part 41

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Third person point of view: 

"Hill!" Fury screamed from inside his office on the helicarrier. Maria quickly responds and opens the door to find Fury pacing.

"Yes sir." 

"I need you to go to the Avengers tower and check on them. I've tried everyone and I can't get through to any of them, and the stupid A.I. won't even talk to me so I am getting very worried."

"Sir, are more worried about Romanoff or the other Avengers killing each other?" 

"At this point its a 50-50 shot so can you just go check?" Fury said exasperated. Maria nodded and headed out. She caught a ride on the first chopper out and was in New York in about fifteen minutes.  She made her way to the tower only to find it on lock down. 

"Jarvis let me in! I'm here on Fury's orders." 

"I apologize agent Hill but I am not allowed to let you in due to the new protocols that Mr. Stark installed."

"OK. I'm here for Pepper."

"I'm sorry agent Hill I cannot let you in."

"Well I'm here to check on Natasha."

"Agent Romanoff is in stable condition."

"I don't believe you. I want to see her myself."

"Agent Hill I do not lie. I am artificial intelligence." Jarvis said as Maria walked away from the door and got out her phone to call Sam. 

It took Sam three rings to pick up and Maria was getting annoyed. "Dammit Sam! Let me in!"

"Let you in where? I already let you into my pants?" Sam said out of breath during his workout.

"Dammit Sam. I mean the tower. Jarvis locked me out."

"Shit! He locked you out too? He locked me out initially too, I'm on the way down." 

"Sam, I don't care just hurry up." 

Sam made his way down the stairs wanting to finish his workout and typed in the code to override the system to let Maria in. Maria rushed in and Sam followed her into the elevator. 

"So, we gonna talk about what happened?" Sam asked her quietly


"Well I think we should. Considering what went down."

"OK, maybe we should but I'm working right now. I'm here to make sure you guys haven't killed each other and check on Natasha considering the fact that none of you assholes have picked up your phones." Maria said annoyed.

"What are you talking about? I picked up my phone?" Sam said defensively.

"Yeah, but you didn't when Fury called. That's why I'm here."

"Oh, I thought it was because you cared, my mistake." Sam said sarcastically.

"I do care, about Natasha. Speaking of the red head how's Clint been holding up since everything's happened?"

"He's been a wreck honestly. He hasn't ate anything in two days and he's slept even less. He hasn't left Natasha's side, Pepper tried to get him to get some fresh air and it wasn't pretty."

"Well that's about as good as I was expecting. How's everyone else?" Maria said as they exited the elevator and made their way to the lab. 

"Scattered mostly. Bucky has been getting drunk at almost every bar in Manhattan and Steve's been chasing him around trying to keep him out of trouble. Thor left two days ago and hasn't been back, I've got no clue what Tony and Pepper have been doing, but Pepper is not doing well. Rhodey, well I haven't seen much of him since he caught us and I think Bruce is passed out in the lab, he hasn't left Natasha and he's still trying to figure out what happened to the baby." 

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