Part 5

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Third person point of view:

Clint had just landed on the Helicarrier and was making his way through the maze of decks to find Natasha. Natasha and Pepper's plan had been put into place two hours ago and was starting to come together, with all of the Avengers on their way and Bruce setting up the equipment.  Fury was sitting in his office looking at Natasha's body scan he printed out, still with the office in secure mode, happy that he was going to be a Grandfather. Natasha sat in her room alone, and scared out of her mind waiting for Clint to get there. 

Clint arrived to Natasha's room looking dashing in his mission with is hair lightly gelled in the front to make it look spiky.  When Clint knocked at the door Natasha was there in record time. With her short hair finely curled, her sapphire colored v-neck dress, and strikingly tall black stilettos she looked drop dead gorgeous.  Even with all the make up and her fake smile on Clint saw right through her disguise. 

"Natasha what's wrong?" Clint asked with concern in his eyes

"Nothing's wrong Clint. Why do you ask?" Natasha quickly deflected

"You seem different that's all. Are you ready to go?" Clint asked knowing when to drop the subject

"I am. So where are we going tonight and what makes it so special?"she asked 

"You'll see. It's a surprise. And have I told you that you look absolutely stunning tonight?" he said pulling her down the hall by her hand like a child that pulls their parent out of bed on Christmas morning. 

"Clint where are we going?" she asked, they had just arrived on the flight and were making their way to a jet Clint had picked out for them before he went to get Natasha. 

"Oh come on Nat can't you just go with the flow for once." he playfully teased with his signature smirk on his face they board the jet he had picked out and a familiar face greets them as they board the plane.

"Sup love birds, you ready to get in the air?" the S.H.I.E.L.D pilot Melinda May greets them as they board.

"Yep! Lets get this show on the road. You know where to take us right?"Clint responds "Does it look like it's my first day to you?" Agent May called from over her shoulder while starting the plane. The plane took off smoothly and Clint and Natasha settled in for the hour and a half long ride to New York.


"Pepper! Why is Bruce setting up an ultrasound machine in my lab!" Tony screamed while running toward Pepper who was sitting on the couch looking at her computer. 

"What did Bruce tell you when you asked him why he was setting up an ultrasound machine in your lab?" Pepper asked without looking up from her computer screen 

"He said that you didn't tell him why and not to ask questions. And if I wanted to know anything else I would have to ask you because you scare him." he said 

"Good at least someone listens to me in this house," she said while getting up from the couch to walk over to Tony "you will find out all about it tonight, but for now you just have to sit patiently and wait. Also the Avengers are coming over tonight that means everyone, including Fury and Coulson. So you need to straighten up a bit and get out all the nice liquor. I al..." Pepper gets cut off by Tony. 

"By Gods! Pepper Potts are we pregnant?! You know I've always wanted a son but a daughter w..." 

"Jesus Tony I'm not pregnant! You and that mind of your are going to get yourself in trouble one of these days." she screamed exasperated "You just need to sit and wait patiently. Bruce honey! What do you need?" she screamed lovingly over Tony's shoulder at Bruce exciting the elevator

"Oh it's nothing really. I just wanted to let you know that the machine is all set up and ready to go." Bruce shyly explained 

"Amazing! Thank you Bruce. Now you two need to go get ready for the party tonight." Both the boys nodded their heads and exited in to the elevator. 

"Bruce I swear sometimes that she likes you more than me." Tony said as the pair made their exit

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