Part 43

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Third person point of view: 

"Clint. You know I love you right, but you need to go upstairs and take a shower. Bruce will be down any minute and I promise I won't leave Natasha. You need to shower, you are starting to smell." Pepper said after she sat down opposite of him and turned on the T.V.

"But it's her birthday. I don't want to leave her, I don't want her to wake up and me not be here and her freak out." 

"OK. Well because it's her birthday you should go and shower. You'll be gone for fifteen minutes at the most, and you'll feel better and smell better for her when she wakes up." Pepper said trying to convince him.

"OK. You're right. I mean what is the likelihood of her waking up while I'm gone. OK. I'll be back in fifteen minutes." Clint said getting up to leave. After Clint left Pepper put up a few pictures and a sign that said 'Happy Birthday Natasha!'. When Pepper sat back down there was a news report on, speculating the stability of the avengers so Pepper changed the channel to a home improvement show and began to have a small conversation with the still unconscious Natasha. 

"Hey Nat. So it's me again, Pepper. So we're all really worried for you because you've been asleep for a really long time now. We're all scared and we all really need you. It's your birthday today, but I'm sure you already knew that, you always hated your birthday unless Clint was around. Hey Natasha you really need to wake up because we all need you especially Clint, and we have to tell you something." Pepper said stopping because the door was opening and Bruce appeared. 

"Morning Pepper. Where's Clint? He never leaves Natasha." Bruce said coming in with his morning coffee. 

"I finally convinced him to take a break and go take a shower. He won't be gone for long. Hey Bruce can you watch Natasha?" Pepper said taking her vibrating phone out of her pocket to see that Tony was calling her so she went to just outside the wing to take the call. After Pepper left Bruce sat down at his desk and started on his work as usual. He was still looking for the reason why the baby had died and had still not found the cause. After about five minutes a couple of Natasha's monitors had started beeping so Bruce walked over to check on her. 

Bruce looked at the heart rate monitor and noticed that it was rising steadily. He then looked over Natasha and went to listen to her heart when she opened her eyes and started thrashing. She was pushing Bruce away and trying to take the tubes out of her throat and mouth that were helping her to breath when she was in a coma. 

"Natasha? Natasha? Can you hear me? It's Bruce. I need you to calm down you're going to rip your stitches." Bruce said while trying to take out some of the tubes. Bruce's words upset Natasha even more when she looked at her stomach and noticed that her baby bump was no longer there. She began to fight Bruce and scream, while still trying to remove the tubes and devices. 

"Shit! Shit! Shit! She's panicking. Jarvis call Clint and Bucky! Pepper get in here!" Bruce screamed while trying to subdue Natasha. "Natasha you're safe I promise. It's me Bruce. You're in New York, you're in Avengers tower. You're safe, please calm down. Jarvis where is Clint!"

"I am trying to reach him, but he removed his hearing aids. Pepper is coming now and Sergeant Barnes is on the way."

"Natasha look at me. You're safe. It's me Bruce. If you stop moving I can take the tube out. Stop moving and I will take the tube out!" Bruce yelled trying to get her attention and trying to stop her from clawing at her face.  She stopped thrashing marginally, but it was enough for Bruce to remover the tube from her mouth and throat. When he got it out she went into a major coughing spasm and Pepper finally came in. 

"Natasha you're safe I swear. It's me Bruce. Stop fighting me, I'm trying to help you. You need to calm down." Bruce said still yelling while Natasha was coughing and pushing him away when she had finally caught her breath enough to speak she was nearly screaming. 

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