Part 27

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Third Person Point of View: 

"What the fuck!" Buck shouted.

"Why the fuck can't they leave us alone for five god damn minutes?" Fury said taking a shot out of his flask. "Well. We better go deal with these motherfuckers before they come up here. Natasha you stay up here with Barton and we'll go handle this shit."

"Well. It sounds like you guys have this whole family issue under control so I'm gonna bounce but Clint you better call me and explain what the fucks going on. Yeah I'll see all of you guys next time. OK Bye." Wade Wilson said then turned and stepped off the edge of the roof   

The rest of the wedding party, minus the bride and groom, piled into the elevator and rode it into the conference room where the guys from Homeland security were waiting with the head of the Russian embassy. The Avengers walk-in letting Thor and Bucky go first. Thor had changed into his battle armor the moment the alarms started going off and Bucky was pissed so they went first to confront the agents. They were followed by Fury and Coulson with Maria and Sam. Bruce and Steve quickly followed with Tony, Rhodey, and Pepper bringing up the rear. The group fanned out into the room and Sam broke the awkward silence.

"So you guys want a coffee or something?" Sam asked. 

"No. What we would like is for agent Romanoff to be brought down to us for deportation." The apparent head guy plainly stated. 

"Yeah. No. That's not happening, but thanks for coming." Bucky said stepping out of the corner.

"What Sargent Barns means is, what authority do you have to deport agent Romanoff, she seems to be outstanding member of the community." Sam said. 

"She will be brought back to Russia to stand trial for her crimes against the state. She will be punished but she will have a fair trial to decide her fate." The ambassador said breaking his silence. 

 Rhodey stood and broke his silence. "That doesn't state what authority you have. That only says what you're going to do with her."

The head of homeland security stood and handed Fury a paper. "This here states that agent Romanoff is not a U.S. citizen and the only reason she is allowed to stay in the country is because of her job and for some reason she cannot work right now. So unless you give us a legitimate reason for her being able to work we will be leaving with her."  

The room was silent while Fury read the paper. When Fury finished reading he looked up and laughed at the government official and said."This document is completely invalid. Agent Romanoff is married to a U.S. citizen, so therefore cannot be deported due to her immigration status."

"When was she married? It doesn't say she is married in her S.H.I.E.L.D file, and which U.S. citizen is she married to?" The Russian ambassador shouts demanding answers. 

"That information is highly classified so without proper security clearance we can not disclose that information." Coulson said plainly.

"Coulson that's bullshit and you know it." The head of homeland says.

"Oh is it really? Why don't we just call president Ellis and see if he thinks that it's bullshit. We could also let him know that you are trying to deport his greatest intelligence gatherer. Actually that's a great idea. Hey Jarvis call up president Ellis for me." Tony says sarcastically 

"Certainly Sir." Jarvis dials the number and the president picks up on the third ring.

"Tony! My man long time no speak eh? How are you? How's Pepper?" 

"We're great sir, but we are having a slight issue with one of the Avengers and we we're wondering if you could help us out with it." Tony said over exaggerating his happiness.

"Anything. What can I do for my favorite team of superheroes?"

"Well agent Romanoff is currently on leave and right now and we have the head of Homeland Security and the Russian ambassador here and they are trying to deport her and send her back to Russia for crime she has supposedly committed against the state.  Do you know anything about this Sir?" Tony asked kindly.

"No I have no clue about any of this and I did not authorize this to be happening at all. Am I on speaker phone with them right now?" 

"Yes Sir."

"Very well then. Agent Sloan I would like to speak to you immediately and I want all government action that is being taken against Natasha to be stopped right this instant. And Mr. Gorbalvcheck, I would also like to meet with you to discuss this matter so I will be having my office call yours. Is that understood from the both of you?"

"Yes, Mr. President." The two offenders said at the same time.

"Very good. Now that, that is taken care of is there anything else I can do for you Tony?" The president asked.

"No Mr. President I think that covers everything that's been going on around here. Thank you very much Mr. President and I will be seeing you the next the Stark charity golf tournament." 

"OK Tony, I'll see you there."

"So we just got married right?" Clint asked Natasha once everyone left in the elevator. 

"Yeah, I think that's what just happened? We're married. We just got married." Natasha said giggling.

"So what about a honeymoon?"

"Clint, no you have a mission tonight."

"We've got a couple hours. We could burn some time."

"Clint there are government agents downstairs actively trying to deport me. This is not a good idea."

"Nat, you could use the distraction." 

Nat thought for a moment then looked at him and said. "No we aren't doing this."

"OK. Your probably right. I'm not thinking." Clint said. 

"Your probably thinking just with the wrong-" Natasha stopped and stared at him questioningly. 

"Nat what's wrong? Why'd you'd stop?" Natasha took his hand and placed it on her stomach. You could see the tears welling up in her eyes as she smiled. 

"Natasha? Is that what I think it is?" Clint said around the lump in his throat. Natasha nodded her head and she pulled Clint in for a kiss and he could taste the salt from her tears on her lips. 

When they pulled apart Natasha whispered into his ear. "It's our baby. It's our daughter."          

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