Part 4

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Natasha's point of view: 

I jogged down to Clint and I's adjoining room ready to burst with emotion. I am creating a baby inside of me right now! I can't believe it in the Red Room they told me that they sterilized me and that I would never be able to have kids even Fury told me I couldn't but now I don't even know what to think.

 I arrive at my room and scan my eye on the retinal scanner that grants me access to my room.  I walk over to my closet and pull out the sapphire blue dress that Clint loves and lay it on my bed. I go over to the bathroom and take a shower to get ready for tonight. After I do my make-up and hair I sit down on my bed and stare at my stomach for a while thinking about everything that could go wrong. I don't know how this is going to work but I am going to do everything in my power to make sure it does. After thinking for a while I pull on my dress and sit to wait for Clint.  I hope he will be happy that we are having a baby because if he isn't I don't know what I will do. After while of being alone with my thoughts I pull out my phone to call Pepper and she picks up on the first ring. 

"Hey Natasha. You hardly ever call. What's up?" Pepper asks brightly

"I have some news that I need to tell Clint and it's really good news I think. I just don't know. I can't decide..."I cant get the words out but I don't need to because Pepper cuts me off.

"Shut Up! You're pregnant aren't you?!  THIS IS SO EXCITING! Oh my god! How are you going to tell Clint? Who else knows about it? I..." She exclaimed.

"Pepper calm down! I don't know anything yet I just found out today. The only other person who knows besides you is Fury. He is the one who told me actually. I need to know what you think I should do to tell Clint and the rest of the team." I said embarrassingly quiet

"That's OK. Thank you for telling me first. It really means a lot to me. I know what we are going to do to tell Clint. You guys have a special night out tonight right?"she asked "Yes" I responded "and you guys aren't married right?" 

"Shit I didn't even think about that. We have been together for so long I..." 

"Shhhh it's OK don't worry I have the perfect idea for tonight. So after you guys finish your night out you guys need to make your way back to the tower.  After you get off the phone with me you need to call Bruce and have him set up an ultrasound machine in the lab and if he has any questions to talk to me. Don't worry I will keep Tony out until tonight and I will assemble the other Avengers including Fury here at the tower.  You two will go into the lab first with Clint blindfolded and you will take off the blindfold right as he hears the heartbeat. It Will be so romantic. Then when you guys are ready tell Bruce to bring everyone in and that is how we will tell everyone. And don't stress out about the stuff here at the tower I will take care of it." Pepper said so quickly and methodically that I thought she had planned this years ago.

"Oh my god. Pepper thank you so much. You are so amazing. I don't know how to thank you." I said gratefully

"Hey as long as I get to be called Aunty Pepper. I will be happy."

"Deal!" the plan was set and the only thing I had to do now was execute the plan  

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