Part 10

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Third person point of view:

Natasha and Clint stepped into the elevator after a quick wardrobe change with Natasha wearing a fifties style black and white dress with the small diamond Clint had gave her a little over an hour ago and Clint was sporting a loose fitting white dress shirt with jeans they looked like the oddest couple at the party, but they didn't care. They had each other and that was all that mattered to them. As the elevator was about to open she asked Jarvis if she could make an announcement to the other Avengers over the loudspeaker and Jarvis opened the intercom for her.

"Alright listen up Avengers If you want to place a bet on me and Clint's relationship status you better make it fast, because we are making an announcement in one minute. Also Avengers Assemble on the couch in the living room. Natasha out." She announced as Clint broke out in laughter collapsing into the corner of the elevator. 

"Natasha I thought...I thought"Clint was unable to finish his sentence because he was laughing so hard. 

"I know I said it was going to be subtle, but you knocked me up, so I thought to hell with it." she said with a smile on her face. "

God I love you." Clint said going up to her to give her a kiss.

"Hey Jarvis has it been a minute yet?" Natasha asked the AI

"I have been waiting for you to ask Ms. Romanoff." and the elevator doors opened up to the stunned faces of their teammates looking in on the couple making out. With Natasha's left hand on the side of Clint's face showing the teammates the diamond ring on her hand.

"What the Fuck! You guys are married?" Tony blurted out.

"Engaged actually" Clint said as they broke for air.

Hill immediately stood and shouted "I told you Tony. You owe me twenty bucks!" 

"Damn Hill I didn't think you cared that much." Fury said from across the couch looking at her with a stunned look on his face. 

"I don't. I just really wanted to prove the rich bastard wrong." Hill simply stated

"Also we have another announcement to make" Natasha said while pulling Clint into the middle of the room "I'm pregnant." At that point every jaw hit the floor except for Fury's Pepper's and Bruce's who all gave satisfied smirks.

After Thor had recovered he leaned back in the armchair he was sitting in he bellowed "Congratulations Lady Natasha! I hope everything goes as planned and I wish you and your child all the health in the nine realms! Now who is the father of the child?" 

"Thor we just made the announcement that me an Clint are together. Obviously Clint is the father." She said to Thor with a dumbfounded look on her face 

"You mortals have very strange traditions this is not how any of this works on Asgard." He said obviously confused

Tony had recovered from his temporary bout of speechlessness and shot up from his chair "Hold on one second first I find out that you guys are not only sleeping together but are engaged to each other, and in the next thirty seconds you tell me that you," he said pointing to Clint "knocked her up." he then points to Natasha 

"Yes. I thought we have been over this." Natasha simply said "Alright raise your hand if you would like us to explain again." Every bodies hand shot up at the same time.  "Alright Clint why don't you try and explain to them what's going on." Natasha said annoyed walking off to the other room with Pepper in tow.

"Alright everyone listen up. Me and Natasha are engaged. We have been dating for close to six years I asked her to marry me tonight and she accepted. Any questions so far?" about three hands shot up the first being Sam Wilson's so Clint took his question first. "Yes, Sam." 

"Alright so how long have you two known each other for?" Sam asked 

"I have known Natasha for about ten years now. Next question. Yes, Rhodey." 

"Why the hell did you wait so long to pop the question and why did you ask her tonight?" he questioned. 

"Fury told me to propose to her tonight. I was planning to ask her on her birthday in a few months and I guess the whole being pregnant thing explains that. I waited so long to ask her because if I asked her any earlier she would freak out. She even freaked out today when I asked her." Out of the corner of Clint's eye he could see Maria Hill sneak out to go join the other girls. "Next question, yes Bucky." 

"Are you the one who saved her life all those years ago." Bucky asked trying to get an understanding of how they met. 

"Yes. Are we all caught up on this part of the story do we all understand? Yes great! Let's move on. This is where the story gets a little complicated so you've got to pay attention. Do you all understand?" All the men nodded their heads because all of the women had disappeared with Natasha. "So today after I proposed to Natasha she tells me we have to go to the tower because that's where everyone was going to meet us. When we walk in the door Pepper is there waiting for us watching some home improvement show. When I said hi to Pepper I didn't even get acknowledged so I ask her what I did to her and she said I would find out soon enough so I shut my mouth and followed her." He explained while pulling up a chair and grabbing a beer from the fridge.  "So we get in the elevator and it takes us up to the lab and Bruce is there waiting for us. So Pepper sends me off to go talk to Bruce while she talks to Natasha. When Natasha walks in she makes me stand in the corner facing the wall, while Bruce sets up the ultrasound. Then all of a sudden I hear this really fast ker-thump, ker-thump, ker-thump. Then Natasha lets me turn around and I see this on the screen." he pulls the ultrasound pictures out of his pocket and passes one out to everyone. "I was as dumbstruck as all of you guys when I found out because Natasha didn't think she could have kids as you all know. You guys can keep the picture by the way, you're all going to be the baby's uncles except Fury and Coulson they are going to be the grandparents considering we don't have any family except for you guys."

Steve immediately jumps up and shouts "I'm going to be an uncle! I promise you Clint I will not let anything happen to the baby. I am going to be the best uncle ever!"

Tony quickly responds "Oh you really think you are going to be a better uncle than me. The child will never need anything ever. Clint if it is in need of anything I will take care of it."

Thor then bellows "You puny humans you think you can out match me. I am a God. I will take the child to Asgard where it can be a prince or princess." The rest quickly join in and Clint starts to regret his decision of telling everyone at the same time. It isn't until Bruce stands up and whistles grabbing their attention.

"Don't you guys think that you should be asking about how Natasha is handling all of this, instead of getting into a pissing contest about who is going to be the better uncle?" The men all sit down and quickly apologize for being so insincere as Clint brushes it off as them being excited as he goes to get everyone another beer. when Clint returns with the beverages Tony makes a toast.

"To Natasha and Clint!" Tony shouts 

"To Natasha and Clint" everyone repeats.

"To the baby being healthy" Bruce shouts and everyone repeats.                             

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