Part 35

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Third Person point of view: 

Bruce stormed out of the delivery room and slammed the door as he left. He ignored everyone's questions and sprinted to the elevator. 

"Jarvis take me to my floor now!" Bruce yelled while taking deep breaths. 

"Yes, yes right away. Should I put Veronica on stand by?" Jarvis responded.

"Jarvis I don't care just get me to my damn floor!" Bruce said grabbing on to the handrails of the elevator to try and calm down. The doors opened onto Bruce's floor and he rushed out. Jarvis locked the door and put his room onto Hulk protocol. 

"Sir, you need to calm down your heart rate is rising steadily and is nearing Bruce's limit." Jarvis said calmly. 

"I know Jarvis. I can't stop it. It's not working. I'm losing control." Bruce said frantically. 

"What is the square root of 144?" 

Bruce calmed slightly and took a deep breath and answered. "The square root of 144 is 12."

"Very good sir, your heart rate is slowing marginally. What is the capital of Germany?"

"The capital of Germany is Berlin." Bruce said gasping for air and letting some tears fall down his face. 

"What is the freezing point of gasoline?"

"The freezing point of gasoline is negative 45 degrees Celsius." Bruce said choking out the last word. 

"Very good sir, your heart rate has returned to just above normal." Jarvis said as Bruce began to sob. 

"Please Bruce tell me what's wrong." Jarvis said sincerely. 

"Natasha. She lost the baby." Bruce said and sniffled. "There was nothing I could do. I did everything I could and it wasn't enough. I barely saved her. I don't even know if she's going to make it through tonight. I did everything I could and it wasn't enough. I wasn't enough."

"Sir, you did all that you could. It isn't your fault, there was nothing more you could have done. You saved Natasha and that was everything you could do."

"But I told them that everything was going to be OK. I told them that I was going to deliver their little girl and we were going to be a happy family all together. And I couldn't even do that, I couldn't even  save my Goddaughter. Why did they let me do this? They know what I am, they thought they could trust me. All I did was let them down. I don't deserve to be a Godfather or an Uncle, I don't deserve anything."

"Bruce please you don't need to say that, they know you did everything you could. Clint isn't mad at you and I doubt Natasha will be either when she wakes up. They made you a Godfather for a reason, they love you and trust you, they know you did everything you could." 

"If that's the case then why wasn't I able to save her? Why wasn't I able to save Elizabeth! I wanted this just as badly as they did, because they made me feel like I belonged! They made me feel different, they made me feel special! They made me feel loved." Bruce screamed but whispered the last part. 

"Bruce, what year was the first Harry Potter book published?"

"I don't care Jarvis! I just want to figure out what happened! I need to know what I did wrong!" Bruce yelled, turning slightly green around his neck. Bruce returned to normal color and went to walk out of the door. 

"Sir, I can't let you leave. I don't feel you are stable enough at the moment." Jarvis said kindly.

"Don't worry Jarvis I'm fine. I'm going to go figure what I did wrong and fill out Elizabeth's death certificate." Bruce said somberly with his hand on the door handle. Jarvis released the lock after he felt Bruce had calmed down enough and Bruce walked through the door and went back to the delivery room.         

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