Part 37

978 17 8

Third person point of view: 

Pepper rushed into the elevator after Steve came in with Tony following close behind her. 

"Jarvis take me to the room." Pepper said as Tony slipped in before the doors closed. The elevator started up and took them to Clint and Natasha's floor before going to the main elevator to take them to the penthouse. Pepper went through the door ignoring Tony the entire time as the tears fell down her face. She made her way to the bar and started getting out the bottles of liquor. 

"Pepper, what are you doing?"

"Making myself a drink." She said angrily, while pouring the bottle of scotch into a glass. 

Tony responded with a puzzled look and said, "OK. Can you hand me the whiskey please?" Pepper passed it over and poured another serving into her own glass and drank it like a shot. The tears had started to fall more furiously and Tony noticed. "Pepper I know this is hard right now, but it's going to get better."

"No Tony you don't know how hard this is! You don't know what this meant to me and you sure as hell don't know what the baby meant to Natasha!" Pepper screamed while sobbing.


"No Tony you don't! This kid was Natasha's everything, she would have done anything for it. You weren't there when Clint was on a mission and she hadn't felt the baby move in two days so she called me sobbing thinking that she had lost it. You weren't there to see her reaction and her relief when Bruce told her that she made it out of the first trimester. You weren't the one teaching her how to hold a baby and her excitement when she finally did it properly."

"Pepper I know how bad you wanted this, but it will get better."

"No Tony you aren't listening! Yes I wanted this kid to be my niece and I wanted my goddaughter, but most of all I wanted Natasha to be happy, I wanted this for Natasha. This kid brought so much joy to her and she wasn't even born yet. I've never seen Natasha as happy as I have seen her for the past seven months. She said this was her and Clint's second chance. Their start at a new life!" Pepper screamed through the sobs and poured herself another drink. 

"Natasha said she was going to quit S.H.I.E.L.D, and when Fury told that she couldn't she called me and cried, she said she was going to simply go rouge. I convinced her not to and then she called Clint and he said he was going to quit so the baby could always have at least one parent. Natasha was pissed that it couldn't be her, but she thought that something was better than nothing. She wanted to give the kid the best life she possibly could." Pepper whispered. 

"I know, love. I know. We can figure it out, I promise." Tony said soothingly, but he was barely able to keep himself together.

"But Tony it isn't fair! It's not fair that she had to go through all of this! She went through everything that should happen and then she lost it! It's not fair!" Pepper said throwing her glass at the wall then sliding down the cabinet to sit on the floor and sob. 

"Pepper!" Tony yelled and rushed around the bar. When he saw her he scooped her up and held her while she sobbed.

"It's not fair Tony." She whispered while crying.

"I know, it's not. I know." Tony said while letting a few tears run down his cheeks. Tony held Pepper until she had cried herself to sleep. After a while he picked her up off of the floor and carried her to their bed. He laid with her for a while but sleep couldn't come to him so he got out of bed, careful not to wake Pepper and made his way to the roof.      


"Coulson you have the gifts, right?" Fury asked as he drove through the city traffic to get to the tower. 

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