Part 11

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Third person point of view:

As Natasha walked away with Pepper in tow Maria soon followed the other ladies example and made her way to the other room. As Pepper and Natasha entered the room Natasha ordered Jarvis to lock the door and not let any of the guys in. 

"God I need a beer." Natasha said after the door locked

"Natasha I love you but you can not have a beer." Pepper said getting Natasha out a soda from the mini fridge Pepper stocked for her. 

"Shit! You're right! God dammit Clint!" Natasha yelled. 

"Woah Natasha what did Clint do?" 

"He got me pregnant for starters. Then he fucking proposes to me in the middle of central park like it's a god damn romantic movie." 

"OK Natasha lets calm down for a minute. When was the last time you ate anything?" 

"It's been a while" Natasha  admitted. 

"OK. That's probably part of the problem there is a T.V. dinner in the fridge why don't you go heat that up." she said lovingly as Natasha went to go heat up the food. "You know that this is going to have to stop now, you're eating for two you know." Pepper shouted into the kitchen, over the loudspeaker Jarvis's kind voice came through.

"Ms. Romanoff and Ms. Potts, Agent Hill would like access into the room" 

"Let her in Jarvis it's fine." Natasha shouted back to the AI and the door was unlocked and Maria came bursting in through the door 

"You know the next time you guys have a secret girls only meeting you could at least tell where you guys are going." Maria announced  

"Sorry" Natasha replied walking in from the kitchen with the T.V. dinner in her hand. "I was a little frantic." 

"Yeah I get it I would be having a full on mental breakdown if I was in your situation." Maria said as they all sat down on the couch and took off their shoes. 

"I am on my third one today so far and I don't think that three is going to be the final count." 

"So Natasha how are you really doing? I'm worried about you. Your entire life got flipped upside down in a span of less than twelve hours." Pepper asked. 

"Well I am doing OK. All things considered. Bruce said that the Baby is healthy but the images are a little blurry and he thinks that might be because of the sterilization, so that scares the shit out of me. Clint asked me to marry him about two hours ago and I freaked out on him because well, I think you can figure out why. And also Bruce said that I have to have an ultrasound every week because he thinks that there could be complications. So I don't really know how to feel considering the fact that I might not be able to give birth. I mean other than terrified really." Natasha said with out looking up from her food. 

"Oh my god Natasha! Why didn't you say something sooner? We could have done something!" Pepper said wrapping Natasha in a hug

"Alright Natasha listen up! You need to stop with all the negative shit right now. You are the mother fucking Black Widow. OK. You've survived the Red Room, Budapest, god damn New York when aliens fell from the fucking sky. You have been through shit most people can't even imagine, but you find out that you're going to have a kid and you freak out I don't get it. I have seen you remain calm while your old Red Room captors held a knife to your throat and a gun to your head. Why are so scared Natasha?" Maria asked kindly after screaming to get Natasha's 

"You know exactly why I am scared Maria." Natasha said threateningly walking across the room to where Maria was standing "I have been trained to be a weapon. I didn't have a normal childhood where I got to go to school with all of the other kids, no. I was kidnapped by the Red Room and tortured everyday until I turned eighteen when they thought they sterilized me and sent me out into the world to do Russia's bidding. You want to know why I am so mother fucking scared Maria. It's because I have no clue how to be a mother or a wife and I don't think I ever will because I'm sure Bruce doesn't think this baby is going to survive. This is the only thing I have ever wanted out of life and I am sure those bastards in Russia are going to take it from me like they have everything else!" The tears had started to flow as she got closer to Maria. Right as she was nose to nose with Maria She stopped because of Pepper screaming.

"Natasha! Put the knife down!" The knife drops to the floor as Natasha turns to see Pepper looking terrified. 

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to I swear!" Natasha immediately apologizes and looks like a kicked puppy. 

Maria speaks up over the fray and asks "So how do you feel now Nat?" 

"I actually feel a lot better now. Thanks." 

"I figured you would. You just needed someone to take your frustrations out on. I knew you weren't going to hurt me." Maria said and shrugged her shoulders

"No that we all feel better, can we all sit down and have a normal conversation like civilized people?" Pepper asked diffusing the rest of the tension in the room. The other girls nodded and they gossiped about anything and everything for about an hour when Jarvis spoke up.

"Ladies your presence is being requested in the living room. The men would like to dance with you guys."

"Alright Jarvis here we come." Natasha called back                              

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