Part 46

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Third person point of view:

Clint left the tower after saying goodbye to Pepper. He hopped into his Jeep and drove for a while. He listened to the radio for a little but had to turn it off when it kept playing sad or love songs. After an hour or so he had made it to an abandoned field and walked into the center of it. He hit a button on his keys and a jet appeared. He opened the back hatch and drove the jeep in. When he had the Jeep settled he took off. The flight lasted a little while, when he landed in a different field he drove the Jeep out and hid the plane. He drove over a hill and came to a beautiful newly built house in the middle of nowhere. There was a guest house off to one side and a barn looking building off to another. He parked the Jeep in a makeshift driveway and walked up to the front door. He inserted his key and opened the door. When he did he was met with alarms blaring and he cursed as he undid the security measures he forgot that Stark installed. 

When the noise died down the house was eerily quiet. No one had been there yet, well at least no one had stayed there. Clint was in the house that he had built for his family. All of the Avengers had helped him build it and Pepper and Maria had helped him decorate it. It was a modern and state of the art two story house. When you walked in you were met with an entryway that opened up into the main living space and kitchen. In the entryway, hung along the walls were pictures, of the team, of him and Natasha, of Fury and Coulson. It wasn't just a house it was a home. Clint left his bags by the door and slowly made his way into the house. He had thought it was a good idea to come here, a good place to think about everything that had happened, a good place to figure out what he was going to do. He was wrong. When he saw the first picture of him and Natasha tears had started to come to his eyes. He avoided looking at the other pictures until he came into the family room and there was no avoiding it. Above the fireplace was a portrait of him and Natasha on their wedding day, and you could just make out the baby bump that she was trying to hide. He tore it down after starring at it for a few minutes. He threw the picture across the room and the frame shattered. He left it there as he continued to make his way through the house. He had only been there once since it had been completely finished so he got turned around looking for the master bedroom and had somehow wound up in the nursery. 

He opened the door and was met with the peaceful sight that you would be able to see in almost any nursery. It was simple and fairly basic it was a pale yellow color and there were butterflies painted around the room. He stood in the doorway taking in slow deep breaths trying not to cry. He quickly shut the door and continued his search for the master bedroom. His hands were balled into fists with his nails digging into his palms, almost to the point of drawing blood. He walked across the hallway to find the master bedroom he opened the door to the massive room and was met with complete and utter shock at what he found. 

Clint had forgotten that before he had left he had put the finishing touches on the house and one of them was a timeline portrait above him and Natasha's bed. Over the headboard of the bed was pictures from every ultrasound that Natasha had had over the entire pregnancy, hung up by pink string and clothespins. Under the pictures were captions with the number of weeks they were taken at and some had words under them, like 'Baby Elizabeth's first picture!', 'We made it out of the first trimester!', 'Don't worry mommy I'm fine!', 'End of the second trimester!', 'Almost time for me to meet everyone!', and other cute little notes like that. At the end of the timeline was a clothespin that had a caption hung from it, without a picture, that read, 'Hi everyone! Baby Elizabeth, born November,        '. There was an empty space at the end of the note for the precise date she was born, which happened to be exactly one week before Natasha's birthday, her birthday was November fifteenth. Clint stared at the portrait for a long time, reading all of the notes and starring at the pictures. At every picture he looked at his breathing got heavier and faster, the tears started to race down his face. He tried to stop the tears and the emotions, but he couldn't, so he let himself feel, let himself mourn for the first time. He mourned the loss of his child, the loss of Natasha's love, the life that he thought he could have. He cried, screamed, threw things, ripped the timeline down, stumbled over to the small liquor cabinet and grabbed the first bottle he could find and started drinking. When the bottle was close to halfway gone he made his way over to the bed and collapsed into it with tears still streaming down his face. It wasn't long until sleep came, it was the first time he had truly slept in over a week. While he was asleep Pepper texted him a time date and place for the baby's funeral. It was set for Elizabeth's one month birthday at eleven o'clock at Green Hills cemetery in upstate New York. Pepper even sent directions with it. Clint would text her back in the morning that he would be there.

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