Part 18

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Third person point of view:

"Jarvis call Bruce!" Clint screamed panicked as he exited the hidden elevator.

"He is already on his way. Is she breathing?" The AI asked reminding Clint to check.

"She is breathing but it's very shallow. Come on Natasha don't do this to me. Wake up Tasha come on. I can't lose you." He said panicked holding her hand. "Jarvis where is Bruce?"

"I'm here! What the hell happened?" Bruce asked, kneeling next to her and beginning to examine her.  

"I showed her the place because she was freaking out and while we were talking she all of a sudden grabbed the table and lost all of the color in her face. I ran over to her and I barely caught her before she passed out in my arms." Clint explained.

"How long has she been out?" Bruce asked listening to her heart.

"A little over two minutes I think."

"Her heart is racing. She should be waking up." Bruce muttered. "Go get me a cup of water." he ordered Clint. Clint returned with the water quickly. Bruce took the water from Clint's hand and splashed it on Natasha's face.

"What the fuck!" Natasha screamed.

"Oh thank God!" Clint said wrapping her in his arms. "I thought I lost you." He whispered in her ear.

"What the hell just happened? I feel like shit." Natasha asked.

"By my account you fainted. Probably from the stress. Do you remember anything from before you passed out?" Bruce asked.

"I was pissed at Clint about something but I can't remember what. We were arguing I think." She responded shaking her head.

"That's a lot, but not as much as I would like. I want to do a full exam on you and the baby. Are you sure she didn't hit her head?" Bruce asked Clint

"You didn't check the baby yet!" Natasha screamed.

"No no no. I did I swear. I just want to make sure everything is fine. Here you can listen to the heartbeat yourself." He said handing over his stethoscope so Natasha could listen.

"You sure she didn't hit her head?" Bruce whispered out of Natasha's earshot.

"Yeah. I caught her before she fell. The only other time this happened is when we were in Russia and she freaked out and had a flashback." Clint responded. 

"I don't know. Maybe, I just want to make sure everything is OK with both of them before I assume. I'm sure you're thinking the same thing. Can you carry her up to the lab? I don't want her fainting again." Clint nodded.

"Come on Tasha. We're going to head up to the lab now." Clint said moving to pick her up.

"What? No Clint. I'm fine. I can walk." Natasha said annoyed.  Clint looked to Bruce who just shrugged.

"OK. Fine." Clint rolled his eyes. "But you're not leaving my side." He said moving to help her up. As she stood her shirt rolled up and exposed her back, letting Clint and Bruce see a small red circle just above Natasha's right hip. 

"Natasha what's that on your back?" Bruce asked concerned. 

"What's what?" Natasha asked back.

"Nat you said you ran into someone from Russia today. How close did he get?" Clint asked.

"Not close enough to spot my baby bump. If that's what your asking." Natasha responded.

"That's not what I'm asking. How close did he get to you?" Clint said getting worried.

"He wasn't closer than ten feet. Why?" 

"Because there is a hole in your shirt right where the mark is. I think he injected you with something. Doc!" He said as Bruce ran out of the room.

"I got to set some stuff up in the lab. Call Fury and meet me there in five minutes!" Bruce called over his shoulder.

Clint looked over at Natasha and saw she was terrified. "Don't worry Nat everything will be fine. Nothing is going to happen to you or the baby. Remember all those years ago what I promised you?" She nodded. "Good. Because nothing has changed I won't let them get to you. As long as I am alive and on this planet I will not let anything happen to you. And now that means I won't let anything happen to the kid either, OK? I love you Natasha and that will never change. I won't let anything happen to you. I won't let them take this from us. I won't let them take you again." Tears were flowing down both of their faces as Clint finished. "Come here." He said and held her while the tears flowed.

"Clint. I love you. And I know I don't say it enough but I do and I the only way I know how to show it is to give the baby your last name. I want the baby to have your last name Clint."

"Nat you don't have to do that. I know you love me and you're showing it just by being here now. I don't care if the baby has my last name or not. As long as the baby is healthy and so are you, it doesn't matter to me." He said putting his hand over her stomach.

"I know but I want the baby to have your last name." Natasha said with finality.

"OK. As long as you're happy I don't care. Come on we have to call Fury and meet Bruce." Clint said with a smile.       

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