Part 21

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Third person point of view:

Natasha and Pepper finished getting their dinner and sat down across from each other with Clint and Tony next to them. Phil sat on the other side of Natasha and made small talk with her and Clint while everyone else got their food. 

"So Natasha how have you been? How is the baby doing? I haven't seen either of you guys in over a month." Phil asked excitedly

"I've been doing fine. The baby is doing perfect and we have an approximate due date of mid November." Natasha responded.

"Mid-November? I thought the baby was supposed to be born in December?" Phil asked confused.

"Oh yeah that was my bad I thought Natasha wasn't as far along as she is. Natasha is actually about 15 weeks along instead of 13." Bruce said as he walked over and sat down next to Clint. 

"Oh OK. That makes more sense. Did you find out the sex of the baby yet?" 

"No not yet but I am dying to find out. I want to go shopping for baby clothes and Steve has been dying to paint the nursery we have here." Clint said excited. Everyone stopped talking and looked at Clint. "What? Can't I be excited to find out what the sex of my kid is?"

"No honey there is nothing wrong with that. But you hate going clothes shopping for yourself, we are all surprised that you would want to go baby clothes shopping." Natasha said answering for the group.

"Alright listen up motherfucker's." Fury sat down at the head of the table like always and the meeting began. "To those who don't know which shouldn't be anyone, but Natasha is pregnant with Clint's baby."

"Lady Natasha is still pregnant. Why? Is there something wrong with the child?" Thor bellowed across the table concerned. Everyone at the table face-palmed and you could hear Tony trying to suppress his laughter and Pepper smack his arm.

"Doctor Banner do you mind explaining to Thor human biology after we finish?" Fury asked the doctor.

Bruce whispered to Thor, "Don't worry buddy everything's OK. I will explain everything later, OK?" Thor nodded his head.

"OK now that we got all of that out of the way. Let's move on to the next point of business, Shadow Protocol.  To those of you who don't know what Shadow Protocol is, it is the protocol that Natasha is supposed to follow while she is pregnant due to the amount of enemies she has made over the years. Which includes but is not limited to, all of the Russian government, the world security council, and the newest member to that list is the goddamn President of the United fucking States." Fury pauses and Natasha jumps in.

"What the hell did I do to piss off the President?"

"There is a mission that he wants you to do, but I told him that you are currently unavailable, he got pissed and is now threatening to send you back to Russia. But that is not our biggest problem right now. The bigg..."

"Hold on your telling me the President wants to send Tasha back to Russia. That seems like a really big problem considering that in just over five months she's going to have my kid and we all know what happens if she goes back to Russia. Did we not learn anything from Budapest?" Clint was standing up and screaming at Fury.

"The biggest problem we have right now is that Natasha is being monitored and tracked at this very moment by someone in Russia, more specifically the Red Room. They know she is pregnant, they know where she is, and most importantly they can send things into her body. They were most likely testing it when she fainted." Bruce stepped in to finish for Fury because Fury was starring daggers at Clint. 

"What is the most dangerous thing they can send through the device?" Natasha asked slipping into her emotionless mask. 

"They could send almost anything they want through the device, but for now they only seem to be sending things that could help the baby." Bruce told Natasha. 

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