Part 39

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Third person point of view:

"Coulson! Where the fuck is he?" Fury yelled once they got in the car, leaving Maria at the tower to lead the search from there.

"I don't know. I called him seven times and the location of his phone says its still at the tower. He doesn't have it." Coulson said while trying to call him again.

"God fucking dammit Clint!" Fury said hitting the dashboard and letting the car take over driving so that they could look for Clint out of the windows.

Coulson was ignoring Fury's screaming and leaving a fourth voicemail for Clint. "Clint I know you're hurting right now, but you need to call us back. We need to know you're OK. If you don't want to talk right now that's fine but send us something and get back to Natasha, she needs you right now." Coulson finished as Fury went on another tirade.

"That fucking piece of shit!"

"Nick cut him some slack."

"No. Why should I? He left my daughter and now I can't get a hold of him. He's a piece of shit!"

"Nick, his daughter just died, your granddaughter by the way, I think you are taking some of your anger out on him."

"You know what you're right. I am because I'm pissed that my daughter is in a coma after giving birth to her daughter, who died, and the only thing she ever fucking wanted in life was a baby and a family!"

"Nick I know how you feel, but taking it out on Clint isn't going to do anything. When he comes back, because I know he will, it's just going to make it worse for everyone. We need to stay together for Natasha."

"You know what one more thing about that fucking idiot! He never fucking deserved her and you know what? I think that they never should have gotten together in the first place because none of this never would have happened!" Nick screamed blinded by rage.

"Nick that is too fucking far take it back right now!"

"No I won't because I feel this way!"

"Stop the damn car right fucking now!" The car screeches to a hault in the middle of the deserted ally. "Nick you don't feel that way and you know it. You told me that all you ever wanted was Natasha to be happy and I never seen Natasha happier than I have in the past seven months. All of that is because of Clint. And if you really didn't want any of that to happen then you wouldn't have sent My Son after Your Daughter to save her her life and she'd be dead anyway. Is that what you really want?"

"So you blame Natasha for all of this?"

"No absolutely not, but she should have been more careful. We all should have, because we both know that the Red Room did this to her."

"God dammit Coulson!" Nick screams as he throws a water bottle into the dashboard. "This is my fault god! I should have known, I should have known." Nick says as tears start to fall from his eyes as he keeps screaming in anguish.

"Nick that's not what I meant. I didn't mean...."

"No Coulson you're right. Natasha is going to die and it's going to be my fault all over again just like in Budapest, just like in New York. It always comes back to me."

"Lets go."

"Go where?" Fury asks as his phone starts to ring and the car answers.

Maria Hill's somber voice comes through the speaker. "Barton's back he's at the tower. He's safe. Everything is as good as it can be on our end."

"Thank you Maria. Try and hold down the fort over there if you can. Let us know if anything changes at all." Coulson said relieved.

"Yes sir."

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