Part 32

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Third person point of view: 

"Agent Barton. The Avengers are being called to a mission. You assistance is required." Jarvis said waking Clint from his sleep. Clint unwrapped his arms from Natasha and rolled over to look at the clock that read 3:30. 

"I'm up Jarvis. Why can't the bad guys ever wait until after seven to start their evil doing?" Clint asked the A.I.

"I don't know sir. Would you like me to get your suit ready for you?"

"Yes please Jarvis. I'm going to hop in the shower."

"Clint honey, what are you doing? Let's go back to bed." Natasha said having been awakened by the noise. 

"I'm sorry love I can't. The Avengers have a mission. I've got to go." Clint said kissing her on the forehead then getting into the shower. Natasha rolled over and stretched herself out, showing how large her baby bump had gotten. She was now at thirty-nine weeks and you could tell, she was ready to pop. Natasha pulled herself out of bed and checked her phone to find her usual good morning text from Coulson to check on how she was doing. She quickly text him back and started getting herself ready for the day. She grabbed out one of Thor's old t-shirts that she had stolen from him and put it on along with a pair of yoga pants. She tied her hair back in a messy bun and went to finish working on the nearly completed nursery.

Natasha began by folding and putting away the clothes and setting out the diapers by the changing table. Steve finished painting about a week ago and his idea of the woodland animals decorated to look like the Avengers had turned out adorable. All of the Avengers at one point or another had went out and bought the stuffed versions of themselves to decorate the nursery, they had a specific spot in the corner where they sat and watched Natasha work. Clint came into the nursery in his battle suit and kissed Natasha goodbye.

"Hey. I'm leaving. I'll text you on the plane ride over, OK?" Clint said after he gave Natasha a kiss.

"OK. I'll text you then." Natasha said shortly after touching the side of her stomach.

"Nat what's wrong?" Clint asked noticing the change in her demeanor.

"Nothing, baby just moved. She's so big now it sometimes hurts when she moves. I'm fine. Bruce said this would happen because she's moving into position to be born. It's not a big deal. I'll see you when you get back." Natasha said putting on one of her masks to hide pain.

"OK. Text me if anything happens and I'll turn the jet around." Clint said looking at her with concern.

After Clint left Natasha worked for an hour or so then sat down in the rocking chair Steve got for her and rubbed her side. She picked up her phone and texted Pepper to see if she was awake. When she got a response she made her way up to the kitchen to meet Pepper. 

"Morning Pepper. When did the boys get sent on the mission?" Natasha said stepping out of the elevator. 

"Jarvis got the call at 3:30 and woke everyone up then, they left at like 4:30 I think. Want coffee? Pepper asked, pouring herself a cup.

"Bruce doesn't want me drinking caffeine. Thank you though. Who all left?" 

"I think just Tony, Clint, Sam, Thor, Cap, and maybe Rhodey. I know Bucky is on some super secret S.H.I.E.L.D mission and Bruce is staying here because it's supposed to be a quick stealth mission. At least that's what Tony says." 

"Oh that's cool. Is there anything to eat, I'm hungry." Natasha said looking in the fridge.

"Yeah. Thor's poptarts are in the cupboard." 

"Yes! I've been craving those." Natasha exclaimed and dug the box out. Natasha put her poptarts in the toaster and waited for them to pop out. When they did she walked over to the sofa and watched the daily morning show that Pepper always had on. About an hour later Clint texted her to check on her. Bruce made his way into the kitchen sometime around 7:00.

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