Part 49

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Third person point of view: 

Natasha puts the phone to her ear and waits for the ringing to start and Maria picks up on the second ring. 

"Hello?" Maria asks. 

"Maria? Please tell me you're there."

"Nat is that you?" Maria asked without giving anything away to the people around her that were listening in on the conversation as she turned to make her way into her own office. 

"Maria don't tell Fury, please! I need you. I need my sister." Natasha pleaded while she was crying. 

"OK. OK. I won't. Just stay on the phone. Hold on. Let me get to my office where no one will bother us. Just give me one second." Maria said trying to calm Natasha down. Maria had just gotten to her office and told her secretary. "Lily. I have to take an urgent phone call. Please make sure that I am not disturbed." 

"OK Natasha, I'm back. Where are you? Are you safe, do you need me to come get you?" 

"I don't know. I don't know anything. I think I'm back in the Red Room, I think they got me!" Natasha said panicked. 

"Whoa whoa. Natasha slow down. Take a breath. I don't think you're back in the Red Room because you wouldn't be able to call me. Take a breath, look around you. What do you see? Why do you think that you're back in the Red Room?" Maria said trying to keep a level head while running a trace on the call to find Natasha. 

Natasha's breathing slowed slightly as she looked around to see where she was at. "I think, I'm in the Budapest house. At least that's what it looks like anyway, but I don't know what's real anymore. Madame B was here and so was Fury and Clint and I don't know. Clint was yelling and screaming at me that it was my fault we lost the baby and it is and Fury said I killed Clint and Madame B said I was going back to the Red Room, to my old ways I don't know!" Natasha screamed through the sobs. 

"Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down. Clint's there?" 

"No! No! I don't know! I think I'm seeing things but that only happens in the Red Room. I don't know!" 

"OK. I don't think you're in the Red Room and I don't think Madame B is there. I know Fury isn't there. What happened? Explain it to me. Take a deep breath. I can help you. Tell me where you are so I can come and get you."

"No! No! Don't come get me! I have nothing to come back to! They all hate me! I'm evil! I'm a monster! I killed Elizabeth! Fury told me I killed Clint! I'm a monster I don't deserve you! I don't deserve your love!" Natasha was screaming like she was being murdered.

"Natasha. Natasha. Calm down please. You didn't kill Clint. Calm down or I will have to come and get you because I think you are about to do something that we are both going to regret. Take a deep breath. I need to know what happened. I need to know what's happening so I can help you. I love you Natasha, you're my sister, you said it yourself. You need me, you need my help, so let me help you." Maria pleaded while deadly calm, praying that the trace would hurry up. 

"OK. OK. But you can't tell Nick I called you. You can't tell anyone. They will come looking for me and I don't want that. You can't come looking for me. Promise me!" 

"I promise I won't. I just want to make sure that you are safe. I just need to know that you are OK. I just want to help you so tell me everything from the beginning. Why do you think that you have nothing to come back to? And don't leave out a single detail." She asked trying to calm Natasha down and buy herself more time. 

Natasha took a couple of deep breaths to calm herself and focus her thoughts so she could tell Maria exactly what had happened. "When I woke up no one was there it was only Bruce, Clint wasn't there. After he came and saw me and told me he left, and I haven't seen him since. When I got back from seeing Elizabeth everyone was gone. Everyone. They don't care about me anymore, especially Clint because he drank the bottle of whiskey that we were saving for our first year anniversary. They abandoned me, all of them. The only people that I know still care about me are you and Tony because Tony came and talked to me after I woke up and he packed my go bags for me and left me a little note." 

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