Part 26

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Third Person Point of View:

"Natasha, are you ready?" Fury said while knocking on her door.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Natasha opened the door to find Nick Fury in a suit and tie holding her bouquet of pink carnations and roses. 

"You look beautiful." He said admiring her. "You look like a bride. I like that you aren't hiding your bump." 

"Thanks dad," Natasha said taking her flowers and Nick's arm to stroll down the hallway to the elevator. "Pictures might be a little difficult, but if I hold my flowers just right you won't be able to tell. You could put them up around your house if you want."

"Don't worry about pictures. I'll take care of them. Did figure out what you wanted to say for your vows?" 

"Yeah I've got something in mind. This is going to work, right?" Natasha asked him looking unsure of herself.

"It should work. If not I can always put you on a plane to some remote island in the middle of the Pacific, or we could have Thor take you to Asgard. So if this doesn't work we have multiple back ups." 

"But Nick what if they take me back? With the baby I can't risk it. If it was just me it'd be easier but it's not. I have to worry about my daughter." She said beginning to panic 

"Natasha I won't let them take you. I promised you when you came out of the hospital from Budapest that I wouldn't let them take you again, and I don't intend to break that promise. We've got this under control." Nick said on the elevator ride to the ceremony.

The elevator doors slid open and a rush of calm fell over Natasha, as she saw Clint standing at the end of the aisle with the stupidest grin on his face. To the left of Clint was Thor in formal Asgardian marriage attire and to the right of Clint was Wade Wilson decked out in full Deadpool attire fit with a black bowtie. On Natasha's side of the aisle was Pepper standing in a low thigh length, royal purple dress holding her bouquet of multi-colored daisies and Maria stood next to her in her long royal purple prom style dress. As Natasha begins her descent down the aisle Jarvis plays the Bridal Chorus overhead. Everyone seated, stands up and turns around gazing at Natasha as Nick walks her down the aisle.  They arrive at the alter and Nick giver her away to Clint and whispers something in his ear as he hands her off.

"Natasha you look stunningly magnificent." Clint says with his goofy grin.

"Shut up and wipe that idiotic grin off your face." Natasha teased.

"I'm OK with being an idiot right now."        

"Ladies and Gentleman of Avenger's tower. I am Thor, Prince of Asgard, and I now call the blessing of the marriage of Son of Barton and Lady Natasha to order. I have been notified that Lady Natasha and Sir Clint have prepared words for each other so I shall let Sir Clint go first." Thor announced to the audience. 

"Natasha, you are my everything. You've been through everything with me and you never once stopped loving me. You stood by my side when no one else would, and you helped me through the darkest parts of my life without even thinking about it. I trust you with my life and I love you with every fiber of my being. You have given me everything I could have ever wanted out of life, you gave me someone to fight for and something to live for when I had nothing. I love you more than anything Natasha and I am so excited and anxious to spend the rest of my life with you and raise our daughter together." 

"That was beautiful, Sir Clint, and now for Lady Natasha's." 

Natasha reached over and removed Clint's hearing aids from his ears. She passed them over to Thor who held them with a confused look on his face. 

"Clint, since the day that you met me you saw the best in me. When others only saw me as a ruthless monster you saw something I couldn't even see in myself. You saw someone who deserved a second chance. You knew what I was but you took me in any ways. You changed me by giving me something I've never had before. You gave me a family and showed me what love was, you loved me and taught me how to love. You have given me everything I could have ever dreamed of out of life. You gave me a family, a home, and now you have given me a daughter that we can raise together. You've always told me that we are a family and you would never leave my side and you have never once broken that promise. I know I don't say it enough but I love you Clint and I can't wait to experience what it'll be like to be married to the love of my life and best friend."  Natasha signed in silence while everyone watched. When the audience looked at Natasha they could see the tears falling from her face and when they looked at Clint they could see his ever present idiotic grin and small tear stains under his eyes. Natasha took the hearing aids from Thor's hands and put them back in Clint's ears. 

"I believe that was quite nice Lady Natasha. And now we shall move on to the traditional Asgardian marriage blessing. Oh Odin allfather please join Lady Natasha and Sir Clint in matrimony if you find their love to be worthy enough to withstand the trials of Midgard and their souls close enough to be joined for all time in the halls of Valhalla." Thor announced and a beam of rainbow colored light shot down from the sky and enveloped Clint and Natasha. When the light released them they had matching markings of a large heart with two smaller hearts intertwined on the inside. 

"Your souls are now joined as one for eternity in matrimony now be merry." And with that Natasha pulled Clint by his tie and pressed her lips on to his. Clint wrapped his arms around her waist and deepened the kiss. The audience cheered and they held themselves like that for several moments until Bucky stood and shouted. 

"Наташа что-то спаси для медового месяца, мне не нужно видеть, как моя младшая сестрица достает ее на крыше!" 

"Заткнись!" Natasha shouted back at him. 

The roof alarms start to go off as Jarvis announces, "Sir, we have a slight breach of security on the first floor. They haven't gotten far but they are trying."      

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