Part 54

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Third person point of view:

"When did you learn how to shoot a bow and arrow?" Natasha screamed while still running until they were in the treeline.

"I didn't." Bucky yelled once they had paused and he saw Clint walking over. 

"What are you talking about? How..." Natasha trailed off as she turned her head and saw Clint walking over.

"Hi." He said awkwardly. 

"I haven't seen you for over three months and all you say is hi!" Natasha screamed over the noise of the explosions that were happening in the background and were beginning to die down. After they had stopped Clint spoke up again. 

"Please tell me you guys hear that?" Clint asked, noticing the crying baby for the first time. 

"Yes of course I hear it dumbass!" Natasha shouted gently setting the backpack down and taking out the baby. "James give me your jacket from the car I don't have a blanket." 

Bucky jogged the short distance over to the nearby jeep and first went to the backseat to check on his judgement call, but not finding her so he quickly ran over to Natasha and threw the jacket to Clint without regard for what it hit and ran off. 

"James! James! Where are you going?" Natasha shouted while covering the child with the jacket that Clint had waked over and given her. Clint was now standing just behind Natasha so he could look at the screaming child's face. 

"My judgement call never made it! I'm going back over to look for her!" He called over his shoulder. 

"Judgement call? What are you guys talking about? What the hell is going on?" 

"Clint I don't have time to explain this! Go with James and look for a little girl she's probably five!" Natasha barked. 

Clint did what he was told and ran after Bucky at a full sprint, when he finally caught up with him Bucky was running around and shouting in the field full of bodies while the fire at the facility raged on. 

"Cara! Cara! Come out! It's OK! It's me! You're safe now!" He screamed while searching all around the cars and even under some of the dead bodies. 

"Bucky! Who are you looking for?" 

"A little girl. She's probably about five, really small, long black hair. Did you see her while we were inside?" He asked frantic. 

"No, I didn't. Check inside the cars, she might have been smart and hidden in them when the bullets were flying." Clint said coming up to the last S.U.V where Bucky was standing still behind it. 

"Don't bother." Bucky choked out, staring at the little girl's, cold, dead body. The little girl was lying face up in a pile of blood covered snow, with her throat slit and her beautiful, brown doe eyes staring up at the cold winter sky. 

"What happened?"

"It doesn't matter. We need to worry about the child that is still alive right now." Bucky whispered, bending down to shut the little girl's eyes and then turning to go back to the treeline and wiping away the tears that had started to fall from his eyes. 

When the pair arrived the saw Natasha still trying to calm the screaming baby who had started coughing. 

"Where's the girl?

"Dead. What are we doing about the baby?" Bucky growled. 

"Leaving it at an adoption agency obviously." Natasha said without thinking.

The hopeful look in Clint's eyes and the smile on his face disappeared as he joined Natasha's train of thought. "Of course. We aren't doing it here. Maybe we could leave it in Budapest, we have a house there in case the Red Room tries to take it back. Or we could leave them in Canada, I've heard that they have an excellent foster program."

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