Part 20

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Third person point of view:

"What do you mean we have a major problem doctor?" Fury asked the overhead.

"Come down here you have to see this for yourself." Bruce said and the elevator doors opened and the party of three piled in. When the doors opened Fury was the first to make it to Bruce and Natasha and Clint weren't far behind.

"OK so what's going on?" Natasha asked tired and mentally drained.

"You have a tracking device embedded somewhere in your body that is sending out all of your body's bio-data and your exact location to somewhere in the world." Bruce announced.  

"Well where is it being sent so we can go hunt them down." Clint said.

"Uh that's the problem. I can't figure out where it's going! I've tried everything and I have been trying to reach Tony so he can figure it out for the last 15 minutes and I can't get a hold of him!" Bruce yelled.

"Tony is with Pepper. Um it's kind of a long story but not my place to say so he's kind of busy." Natasha stated. 

"Alright this is getting ridiculous. I'm calling an emergency family meeting everyone needs to be there. Jarvis you get that?" Fury asked the A.I.

"Yes sir. What time should I set the reminder for?" Jarvis responded

"Meeting starts at 6:00 be there at 5:30. There will be food."

"The reminders are set everyone will be there sir." Jarvis said.

"Thank you Jarvis. At least someone in this house listens to me. OK so here is the plan it's 3:30 now. You two lovebirds need to have a dinner ready for everyone by 5:30. Me and Bruce are going to try and track where the signal is going then form a plan. Also Natasha I need you to go and find Pepper and Tony and send Tony down here." Fury ordered. They all nodded and set to work with Natasha and Clint heading to the elevator and Fury and Bruce sitting down at the computer.

Once the elevator doors closed Natasha let her mask down and told Jarvis to stop the lift. "Clint this is bad. This is really fucking bad. Someone somewhere knows that I'm pregnant and they know exactly where me and the baby are. What the hell are we going to do?" You could see Natasha was overwhelmed and the tears were about to come rushing down her face.

"Hey it's going to be OK." Clint cooed softly pulling Natasha's chin so she was looking at him. "You and the baby are fine and that's all that matters to me. We can handle everything else that comes up as long you and the baby are healthy. Which you guys are we made sure of that today." Clint looked at her and asked for permission to touch her belly. He then knelt down and whispered, "Hey little one I know you can't hear me in there, but it would be nice if you let your mom know that you're OK in there. She's very worried about you." Natasha let out a little chuckle and then let Clint continue. "She is really stressed out right now so if you could cut her some slack that would be very nice. But I want you to always know that no matter what happens your mom and I will be here to protect you, OK?" As Clint stood up Natasha pulled him into a kiss and whispered in his ear, "God! What would I ever do without you?"

"You know since your about 15 weeks along now, in three weeks we can find out what we're having. We should probably start to think about name choices." He said at a normal volume after restarting the elevator. 

"I completely forgot about that. I guess we can bring it up at the family meeting. Get some suggestions from the family?" Natasha said with a smile on her face, her troubles temporarily forgotten.

"Deal. Why don't you go find Pepper and Tony while I take inventory of what we have in the kitchen, I'll run out and get anything we need for, spaghetti?" Clint asked making sure his suggestion was OK with her.

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