Part 25

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Third Person Point of View:

"Barton! Romanoff! Natasha! Clint! Open the door! Wake Up!" Tony yelled pounding on Clint and Natasha's door.

"Tony? What the hell? It's four in the morning. What do you want? I leave for my mission tonight." Clint said annoyed and opened the door while Tony rushed in.

"We have an issue. Wake Natasha up. This is big."

"What's the problem? I'm not going to wake her up this early, She hardly sleeps enough as it is."

"They're coming. They're going to take her and ship her off to Russia. Fury just called they'll be here by noon. They thought you left last night so you wouldn't be here when they took her." Tony said frantically.

"Shit! I thought we took care of this problem. Why are they coming to take her away now?"

"Tony? What the hell are you doing here?" Natasha said getting out of bed, revealing her small but prominent baby bump.

"Natasha you need to leave. The government is coming to take you away. I'm sending you and Bruce to Stark headquarters in L.A. that should confuse them for a while and buy us enough time to figure out what we're going to do."

"I'm not going to be separated from Natasha for that long, and what happens when the government figures out that we just moved her to L.A.? The federal government has jurisdiction over the whole country." Clint started yelling.

"Attention Avengers, everyone needs to report to the kitchen immediately. I am being taken by the government and we need a plan of action." Natasha said over the loudspeaker, waking the rest of the tower by setting off flashing lights and sirens.

"Let's go we don't have all day. They'll be waiting for us when we get there." Natasha said walking into the elevator with Clint and Tony trailing behind her. 

"What the hell do you mean the government is trying to ship you off to Russia?" Bucky yelled as soon as Natasha stepped off the elevator.

"Good morning Bucky. Did you put the coffee on?" Natasha said calmly.

"Yes? But that's not the point. What the fuck's going on?" 

"What's going on is the government is trying to deport Natasha because she can't work for the Avenger's or S.H.I.E.L.D right now." Clint said angrily while walking to the coffee pot. 

"Barton what are you talking about?" Maria said walking in with Sam not far behind.

"Hold on. Let's give everyone else five minutes to show up and we'll explain all at once." Natasha said trying to get everyone to calm down.

"Natasha what's going on? Are you OK?" Bruce said rushing in with his medical bag. 

"Jesus fucking christ! Does anyone listen in this house?" Natasha yelled.

"Natasha! Language!" Steve said walking in. 

"Steve, shut up. She has a right to be mad." Rhodey said walking in. 

"Natasha what happened?" Pepper asked as she came in.

"Jarvis cut the lights and alarms." Natasha said and the noise level dropped significantly.

"Lady Natasha I shall defend you! They will not get through here as long as I am still standing!" Thor yelled running in with Moljinor in hand. 

"Thor we aren't under attack I said we needed a plan of action." Natasha said rolling her eyes.

"Oh my apologies." 

"Now that everyone is here. We should start. Stark tell us the story from the top." Natasha said calling the meeting to order. 

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