Part 45

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Third person point of view: 

Tony walks into the tower and calls out for Jarvis. "Jarvis check the news cycle. How's Pepper doing with them at Stark?"

Tony received no response from Jarvis and Bruce immediately runs to check on Natasha and calls out over his shoulder. "Go to the lab to check on Jarvis I'm going to check on Natasha!" With how quickly Bruce reacted Tony heads out at a sprint to check on Jarvis, when he arrives at the lab he goes over to the computer.

"Alright Jarvis I know you're tired but come on wake up. Out of sleep mode, we've got work to do." Tony said slightly panicked and rapidly pressing keys on the computer. By the time Tony realized that Jarvis was off his phone was ringing and he pulled it out of his pocket and answered it. 

"Please tell me Natasha is with you!" Bruce said as soon as Tony picked up. 

"No she's supposed to be downstairs with you that's why you went to check on her. I have to deal with the fact that Jarvis somehow got turned off." Tony responded confused. 

"Shit! Get Jarvis back up and call Clint to see if she's with him and then call Pepper, because she isn't here and there is a letter on the  door." Bruce said hanging up the phone. 

Tony began multitasking right away. He had Jarvis back up and running by the time that Clint picked up the phone. "Is Nat with you?" He asked while still typing. 

"No, but she might be in the nursery let me check." Clint said getting off of his and Natasha's bed. He unlocked the nursery to find the utter destruction that Natasha had left and he sighed. "She's not here, but she was, and she destroyed the nursery. Let me look in a couple of places. I'll call you back." 

Clint hung up the phone and Tony threw his across the room. "Fuck!" 

"Tony? What's wrong?" Pepper asked when she picked up after Jarvis had called her. 

"Well. We don't know where Nat is." 

"You lost Natasha!" Pepper screamed. 

"We didn't necessarily lose her. We just don't know where she's at right now." Tony said awkwardly. 

"Tony! What the hell? No this is terrible. Bruce took Natasha to see the baby. Why did you guys leave her alone?"

"Shit! Hold on Pepper. Clint's calling me back I'm going to patch him in." 

"She's gone. Natasha took her go bags and the jet is gone." Clint said somberly.

"Fuck! I'm coming back to the tower. Call a family meeting. I'll be there in 15 minutes." Pepper said hanging up the phone. 

"Clint can you start calling her and casting nets. I think you'd be the one most likely to find her." Tony said typing things into the computer. 

"I'll see what I can do, but if Natasha doesn't want to be found she won't be." Clint said somberly and hung up the phone. He collapsed face down onto Natasha's side of the bed trying to feel her. he laid there for about ten minutes until Jarvis sent a family meeting reminder to his phone and he got up and walked to the kitchen. 

When he got there everyone was standing around the table arguing and Bruce rushed into the room right behind Clint. 

"Clint good you're here. Did Natasha pick up when you called? We've all tried her ten times and texted her even more. We're going to have to call Fury soon." Tony said stopping the commotion to notice Clint's entrance.

"Did you really think she would? I told you she doesn't want to be found so we aren't going to find her." Clint said annoyed and sitting down at the table and putting his head in between his hands. 

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