Part 15

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Third person point of view:

"Tasha. Come on Tasha wake up." Clint said while gently shaking her shoulder. It was 7:00 am and the sun was peeking through the windows of Clint and Natasha's room. They needed to be down in the lab in an hour so Natasha could have her weekly check up. The morning sickness was starting to go away so she was starting to get restless because Bruce wasn't letting her work out any more. 

"I'm up Clint. I'm just resting my eyes." Natasha said 

"Oh come on Tasha, today is going to be a great day. After your check up you and Pepper are going shopping. You'll have fun."

"Fine I'm up." she sighed and rolled out of bed. When Natasha raised her arms to stretch you could start to make out her baby bump under Clint's old t-shirt. "What time do we need to be at the lab?" she called to Clint while walking over to her closet to get out her clothes

"Bruce said he would meet us there at 8:00." Clint called back "Do you want to get breakfast after or before?" 

"Aren't me and Pepper going to brunch today?" 

"Oh yeah that's right. Hey I'll meet you upstairs in a few minutes. Tony wants me to go talk to him." Clint said coming to the door

"OK. Have fun." she replied. Natasha got dressed quickly and made her way to the kitchen to talk to Pepper. She rode the elevator to the top floor and was met by a surprising site. As the doors opened she saw Maria and Sam both shirtless making out on the living room couch.

"Well this is awkward." Natasha proclaimed as she stepped off the elevator. The two love birds split apart immediately and Sam's cheeks turned a bright shade of red.

"Hey! It's not like I haven't seen you and Clint do the same thing." Maria fired back 

"First of all that was for a mission, plus you didn't even know we were together until a month ago. Second I never said anything was wrong with it, I'm happy for you guys." 

"Thanks Natasha," Maria said "but if you could keep this on the down-low that would be great because I don't want to tell Fury yet."

"No problem, but if you want to keep this a secret you should find more discrete places to hold your make out sessions." Natasha smirked and looked at the clock which read 7:50 "I've got to get down to the lab if you see Clint tell him that's where I am, or if you guys see Pepper tell her I will meet her back up here when I am done." Maria and Sam nodded "Sam can you walk me down?"

"Sure?" he said confused as he followed Natasha into the elevator. As soon as they were out of Maria's line of sight Natasha had Jarvis stop the elevator

Natasha pushed Sam up against the glass of the elevator and gave him the look of death while she said "I swear to god that if you hurt Maria, I will murder you and no one will ever be able to find your body, you understand that?" Sam lost the color in his cheeks and nodded his head in stunned silence. "Good I'm glad we're on the same page." Natasha then resumed the elevator and let go of Sam. When the elevator dinged and she walked into the lab and left Sam standing stunned in the elevator.

Bruce had the machine set up like normal and was talking to Clint as Natasha walked in. 

"Hi love, sorry I couldn't make it upstairs. Tony and I got a little carried away." he said giving her a quick peck on the lips

"It's no big deal,but the weirdest thing I couldn't find Pepper upstairs. Have either of you seen her?" Natasha said and they both responded no. "Oh well I will find her after. Are we ready to get started?" she said as she laid on the table and lifted her shirt showing the very beginnings of her baby bump. Bruce put the gel on Natasha's stomach and quickly got to work. They listened to the heartbeat which was strong according to Bruce.

"Everything is looking really good. I think the baby is going to be born sometime in mid November by my estimations. Also you're out of the first trimester so the morning sickness should be dying down. You guys should probably go and see an actual doctor who is a specialist in this kind of thing." Bruce said a little frustrated

"We didn't tell you did we?" Clint said and Bruce shook his head "This kid is supposed to be a secret from the rest of the world. We have a lot of enemies including the world security counsel. If they found out Natasha was pregnant they would take the kid from us because of our abilities."

"Our kid is being kept off of all S.H.I.E.L.D and Avenger files. I am not allowed to leave the compound once I start showing. My old keepers would pay a pretty penny to have this kid, so if no one knows they exist, then they can't get hurt." Natasha said with a twinge of sadness in her voice "We can't go to regular doctors Bruce, you're the only person we trust with this kid."

"What happens if someone outside of the family finds out?" Bruce asked 

"We have protocols set into place with Fury and Tony." Clint said not exposing much 

"OK. Let me do some research and figure out what I am going to do. At least you guys told me early enough for me to prepare. You guys want your picture?" Bruce asked changing the subject quickly and Clint nodded. Natasha took her copy of the picture, gave Bruce a hug and went to look for Pepper.

"Thank you for everything Bruce. Really." Clint said shaking his hand 

"Hey anything for family right?" Bruce said and they both laughed 



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