Part 31

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Third Person Point of View:

"Tasha, love are you ready to go? Bruce is waiting for us." Clint asked. 

"Yeah, just give me one second." Natasha said while tying her hair up in a ponytail. Clint and Natasha met in the elevator and gave each other a kiss. 

"I forgot to ask you last night before we fell asleep. How was the mission?" 

"It was alright, I'm just glad it's over. That was my last S.H.I.E.L.D op until you have the baby, Fury does not want me to be halfway around the world when you go into labor. I still have to run any Avenger's missions we get though, unless you're actually in labor." Clint said with a chuckle.

"That's amazing. I'm glad your going to be home for the last few weeks. The countdown is officially under one month, our baby is going to be here before we know it." Natasha smiled while she caressed her baby bump.

"I know. You know that after we meet with Bruce we are having the baby shower? I told Pepper not to plan anything extravagant when she called me while I was on the mission. She wanted it to be a surprise for you, but I know how much you hate those, so I thought I'd give you a heads up."

"I told her that I didn't want a huge baby shower. I mean Tony and Pepper have already done so much for us. I don't know how to thank them."

"Don't worry, when we crown them the godparents along with Bruce today I think they'll be over the moon." Clint said not noticing that the elevator doors had opened and Bruce heard them.

"I'm going to be a godfather?" Bruce asked dumbfounded.

"Way to ruin the surprise Clint." Natasha said annoyed. "Yes Bruce, Clint and I have decided that you, along with Pepper and Tony are the ones we feel should raise our child should anything happen to us." 

"Are you guys sure about this. I mean you know what I am. I can't be trusted with these type of things. I'm a timebomb, I can't accept." 

"If you mean an amazing scientist and doctor, with seven Phd's, a heart of gold, and an amazing, caring man. Then yes I know exactly what you are Bruce. I trust you with my life and more importantly I trust you with Natasha and Elizabeth's lives. You aren't a monster Bruce and you need to stop seeing yourself as that. You are our family and you're going to be our baby's godfather weather you want to be or not. I don't want anyone other than you, Pepper, and Tony raising our child along with the rest of the team if something were to happen to us." Clint said with conviction. 

"Bruce we trust you. It's time for you to start trusting yourself." Natasha added in.

"OK. You guys are right. I will be your child's godfather. Thank you." Bruce said confidently.

"You're welcome. Now can we get this thing started?" Natasha asked laying down.

"Yes, of course. Pepper is going to kill me for keeping you guys this long. Oh well, just don't tell her." Bruce said getting started with Natasha's exam. Bruce did the normal ultrasound and gave Clint the usual picture.

"So, everything looks perfect. She's set to be born on her due date or possibly even a little earlier, we're in the home stretch now, so we just need to keep everything as stable as possible so nothing goes wrong, but everything looks great and I can't see anything that could go wrong. You guys are still OK if I have Helen Cho come for the birth to assist me, right? I don't expect anything to go wrong, but its always nice to be prepared. Plus and extra set of hands never hurt anyone." Bruce said smiling.

"Yeah, of course. I just want to make sure that Nat and the baby are safe, and if you think having someone assist you would, then by all means go for it." Clint said while Natasha nodded. 

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