Part 42

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Third person point of view: 

Pepper made her way out of her and Tony's room after getting ready to spend the day with Clint and Natasha, who was still in a coma. She made her way down to the kitchen and grabbed some food and got something for Bruce and Clint even though he probably wouldn't touch it. After encountering no one which was odd considering that it was past nine o'clock in the morning. She made a quick pass through the lab to find Tony tinkering and to let him know that she was awake.

"Morning Tony. I'll be down with Nat and Clint if you need me."

"Morning Pepper. How are you doing today?" Tony asked hesitantly.

Pepper gave a sad smile and replied. "I'll be down with Nat and Clint, thank you for letting me not be at Stark right now. I just can't right now."

"Whatever you need Pepper I'm here for you." Tony said coming over and giving her a hug and a kiss on the top of her head. 

"Thank you Tony." She said and then turned to leave. 

"Oh and by the way. I wouldn't go down to the range or the training room. Steve finally got Bucky to sober up and he's been down there taking his aggression out on things." Tony said over his shoulder and Pepper nodded and continued on her way. 

Pepper made her way to the wing where Natasha was and gave Bruce the protein bar and apple that she had grabbed for him. Rhodey and Steve were both down there doing their daily checks on Natasha and she assumed that Sam had already been down. Clint was quietly resting with his head on Natasha's bed and her hand in his, every time the monitor that was watching her heart beeped ever so differently Clint would look up at it and check on her. Pepper had finally redone Natasha's hair knowing that she would have hated looking so uncomposed. Bruce had put a feeding tube in her a day ago. Natasha had now been in a coma for five days. As Pepper sat down in her usual seat opposite of Clint and turned on the T.V. her phone rang and she picked it up without looking at it, assuming it was Tony. 

"Yeah Tony, What's up, I just got down here."

"I am sorry Miss Potts but this is not Mr. Stark. It's Jamie your secretary. I know, I know, I know that you are on leave and I was told not to bother you unless it was the end of the world and I'm so so so sorry, but Happy told me to call you because we have a major issue here at Stark. There was a massive security breach and we need to make this deal and we need your security override and passcode to do it because the servers are down. I'm so sorry Miss Potts I know I wasn't supposed to bother you." Jamie, the awkward secretary said rushed and slightly panicked. 

"It's fine Jamie. It's not your fault. Let happy know that I will be there in thirty minutes." Pepper said barely containing her rage. 

"I'm so sorry Miss Potts." Jamie rushed to get out as Pepper hung up the phone. Clint was awoken by another change in Natasha's monitor and Pepper's conversation and had rushed to try and wake himself up. 

"What was that? Is everything OK?" Clint said looking at all of Natasha's monitors and moving to look at her face even though Bruce knew everything was OK.

"Yeah Clint, it's just Stark. I have to go see what's going on there even though I'm supposed to be on leave and I'm not supposed to be able to be reached, but it's fine I guess." Pepper said clearly furious. 

"OK." Clint said still distracted and trying to check on Natasha. 

"Oh by the way here's some food I brought down from the kitchen. It's a protein bar, you need to try and eat something. I didn't want to wake you while you were sleeping. You haven't slept in days." Pepper said while handing Clint the food. 

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