Part 6

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Natasha's point of view:

Clint and I didn't talk much for most of  plane ride, but we hardly ever talked when anyone else was around. I sat next to him on the plane nearly sitting in his lap with my head on his chest and our hands intertwined. When I am with him it is the only time I can let my guard down, he makes me feel safe, he is my home. I let my mind wander for a bit knowing that if I get to far into my daydreams Clint will pull me out, he always does. No matter what I thought about my mind kept wandering back to the thing, the baby, growing inside of me. I still didn't know what I am going to do. I don't even know if it is safe for me to have a kid with all the experimenting they did to me in the Red Room. They thought they sterilized me, hell i thought they did too. I am still worried about telling Clint that I'm going to have his kid. I know he always told Coulson that he wanted kids, but doesn't every guy say that? What if he thinks it's too early to have kids, I mean we aren't even married for fucks sake. I don't know what we are going to do. Maybe I should just leave go to one of my hiding spots in my web, no one would ever be able to find me there. I could have the kid then leave it at an adoption agency like nothing ever happened. But I can't do that Fury already knows and he would never stop looking for me plus I already told Pepper, but I could easily lie to her. You have Clint to think about now too this is his kid too, plus you couldn't do it without him you said it yourself. 

"Stop!" I screamed at the voices in my head

"Woah! Tasha stop what? What happened?" Clint said calmly but their was a hint of terror in his eyes as his hand instinctively went to his pocket. 

"Oh it's nothing. My brain is just on overdrive and I though I said that in my head. I am just a little overwhelmed right now and..." my voice trailed off but Clint came to my rescue just like he always did 

"Hey it's ok," he said while wrapping his arms around me "whatever it is we will get through it together just like we always do. OK?" I nodded and snuggled into his arms a bit as we sat like this till May landed the plane. 

As soon as the plane touched down May shouted. "All right love birds off my jet!" 

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