Part 8

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Third person point of view:

Clint and Natasha walked hand in hand down the busy New York city streets slowly making their way to Avengers tower. Clint could hardly keep his eyes off Natasha she was carrying his child after all. As they walked Clint was daydreaming about the life he was going to make for Natasha and the baby. He would build a nice house in the middle of nowhere where no one could find them. He wanted to quit S.H.I.E.L.D but he knew Fury would never let that happened, he wondered what Natasha would do about work. 

As they got closer to the building Natasha got more and more apprehensive, but Clint's firm grip on her hand kept her grounded. They were only about a block away from the building when Clint spoke.

"What are we even going to do here? I know Pepper sent me a text that we were doing team bonding and that it was mandatory for everyone to come, but she never said what that entailed."  

"Pepper and Bruce set up an ultrasound machine so we can see the baby, because I haven't seen it yet. I don't even know how far along I am. I think after we find out everything we can from Bruce we were going to let the team know because this affects all of us. I also think there is going to be a party of some sort but only the Avengers are going to be there plus Pepper, but you know what happens at the parties, the usual betting on if we are together and what not." The Avengers building was now in sight so Natasha stopped walking and planted a kiss on Clint's lips "Also you have to act surprised because I wasn't supposed to tell you." Natasha said with a blush coming to her face. Clint smiled and hugged her into his chest 

"Anything for you Tasha, and of course anything for the baby." he whispered into her ear

"I know the perfect way of how to tell the other Avengers we're together, but I'm going to need that ring you told me about but didn't give to me." Natasha said giving him her signature smirk   

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