Part 47

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Third person point of view: 

"Nick you ready? Come on let's go. If we don't get going soon we'll be late." Coulson said rushing into Fury's office while tying his black tie that he only wore for funerals.

"I'm not going." Fury growled without even turning around in his chair to look at Coulson, he was too preoccupied staring at the piece of paper in his hand. 

"Bullshit you aren't going! Get your suit on and get in the plane. let's go." Coulson bossed bringing Fury's suit over to him. 

"I don't see the point in going or even having this idiotic ceremony. She wasn't even alive for fucks sake!" Fury yelled when Coulson brought over his suit. 

"Nick that's bullshit and you know it. She was as alive as you and I are right now. You don't mean that you're just upset. Come on let's go. We aren't missing our Granddaughter's funeral." 

Maria walks through the door and sees Fury standing in his usual attire with Coulson holding his suit and asks quietly. "You're coming right Dad? You aren't going to make us do this all alone, right?" 

"Fuck! Fine, yes I'm coming, get out so I can change. I can't disappoint both of my daughters and my granddaughter on the same day." Fury grumbled as the other two left. When he had changed he made his may onto a quinjet for the ride to the cemetery. 

Pepper and Tony got ready in silence without looking at each other until Tony spoke up. "Pepper. I need your help. I can't tie my tie. I'm shaking too bad." 

"Of course Tony." She said walking over to him. While she fixed his tie he wiped a few stray tears from her face. 

"It'll get better after today, right?" He whispered.

"I hope so." Pepper said finishing his tie. 

"Clint's coming, right? He wouldn't miss this."

"Yes he told me he would be here weeks ago and I made him promise that he would." 

"Good. We need everyone, you told Natasha, right? And did you somehow get a message to Thor?"

"Yes Tony. It's all taken care of. I crossed everything off the checklist, you helped me, remember? Calm down." Pepper huffed putting her hands on his shoulders. 

"Hey, you guys almost ready? We still have to get Bruce out of the lab." Steve asked as him and Bucky came through the open door. Bucky was wearing an all black suit with his hair gelled back and Steve was wearing a midnight blue suit with a pink tie. 

"Yeah. Let's go. It's going to be a fight to get him out of the lab." Tony said getting his grey suit coat from the bed and heading out the door with Pepper's hand in his. 

When the four of them step out of the elevator they find Bruce surrounded by holograms and was doing math equations on a whiteboard. 

"Bruce come on buddy. It's time to go. Pepper already laid out your suit and has everything ready for you. It's time to go." Steve said gently coming up to him. 

"No. No. I can't leave. I have to figure this out. I'm so close. I have to find out what happened." Bruce said manically. 

"Bruce. Come on. We need you today. We need you with us. Please?" Pepper begged. 

"No. No. I can't let Natasha down. I have to find out what happened. I have to find out what happened to Elizabeth. I have to find out what happened to her daughter." 

"No Bruce. You aren't letting Natasha down. You would be letting Natasha down if you didn't come today. Take a break for a couple of hours and we can come back to it." Tony said softly. 

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