Part 33

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Third person point of view:

Clint ran through the tower at top speed trying to make it to the delivery room before Natasha gave birth. He quickly got to the room and burst through the door to see Natasha just starting to push.

"Come on Tasha keep going!" Bruce said as Clint opened the door.

"Clint! You're finally fucking here! What the hell took so long?" Natasha asked as he went around to give Natasha a kiss on the forehead and replace Bucky. 

"I know baby. I'm so so so sorry. I'm here now. I'm here now."

"I know but what the hell took so long? Pepper said she got a hold of you fairly quickly."

"Hey can you two stop arguing for a second? Natasha's kinda trying to have a baby. You can discuss this later." Bruce said poking his head out from around the sheet that was over Natasha's legs. 

"Natasha another contractions about to hit when you feel it I need you to push OK." Helen Cho said standing by the monitor and looking at the time.

Natasha began pushing but nothing happened other than Natasha screaming in pain. "Bruce I don't think that worked." Natasha said sarcastically as Clint wiped the sweat off of her face with a towel. 

"Yeah, I know this happens sometimes. This could take a while. Helen can you get me some more towels?" Bruce asked.  Natasha repeated the process to no avail for about an hour until she took a few minutes break. 

"You're doing amazing honey. She's going to be here soon. You got this, I'm right here." Clint said and kissed Natasha on her extremely pale forehead.

"OK, OK, I'm ready. I'm ready. This is the one." Natasha said and then pushed. 

"Good Natasha go go go go. Her heads out, come on a little more. She's almost here." Bruce said as monitors started going off around the room.

"Tasha come on push!" Clint looked at Natasha and noticed she had passed out. "Bruce! Natasha passed out!"

"What? Fuck wake her up. This isn't good. She needs to wake up." Bruce said as Clint started shaking Natasha and more alarms went off.

"Tasha honey come on wake up our little girl is almost here. One more push. Tasha wake up!" Clint was yelling and patting Natasha's face.

"Bruce her blood pressure and heart rate are dropping. Something's wrong!" Helen called to Bruce who was trying to get the uncrying baby out.

"Fuck, push an epi. Get the emergency enhancers out!" Bruce yelled back. "Clint I'm sorry but this is going to hurt Natasha like a bitch." Bruce said as he pulled the rest of the baby out and rushed it over to the table. 

"Bruce I can't find the enhancers!"

"Helen try and stop Natasha's bleeding something's wrong with her." Bruce yelled trying to clear the baby's lungs.

"Bruce she should be crying! Why isn't she crying?" Clint screamed panicking and trying to wake Natasha up. 

"Bruce what's going on? Say something!" Clint yelled. 

"Jarvis is Tony back? We need the damn enhancers from the lab!" Bruce yelled at the A.I. while walking back to where Natasha was. 

"Bruce what the hell? What's going on with the baby? She's not crying!" Clint was starting to get hysterical and was screaming at Bruce. 

"Clint listen to me the baby is gone! She's stillborn! So you can either help me save Natasha or watch the both of them die!" Bruce said with the hurt showing on his face. The shock registered on Clint's face for only a fraction of a second until he got control of his emotions again.

"Yeah, save Natasha. I'll do whatever you need." Clint said jumping into action but holding back the tears. 

"Good. Go either find Tony or get the enhancers from the lab. Then bring him and Bucky back in here if Tony is back." Bruce said getting to work on saving Natasha. Clint ran out of the room and found all of the Avengers waiting outside the door anxiously waiting in chairs. 

"Clint come on let us in we want to see the baby." Pepper said jumping up and down and bombarding Clint as soon as he closed the doors.

"Something happened and I can't explain it right now, but Bruce needs Bucky and I need Tony to take me to the lab I need the enhancers." Clint said rushing and pushing Pepper away. Bucky went in the door immediately and Tony followed Clint into the elevator.

The doors closed and Clint took a shakey breath in and looked at the ceiling trying to hold himself together Tony looked at him and asked "Clint what happened?"

"While Natasha was giving birth she passed out, the baby was stillborn and Natasha's now bleeding out and we can't figure out why." Clint whispered angrily. 

"Well we better hurry the fuck up then." Tony said with a newfound look of determination. 

A/N: Please keep reading there will be more.     

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