Part 52

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Third person point of view: 

Natasha stepped off the nearly empty plane into the cold Russian winter much earlier than she expected. She caught one of the only cabs that was available this early in the morning and had him take her to just outside the city of Stalingrad, it was the city Natasha knew before she was captured, but she could hardly remember that. The cab let her off a few blocks away from a shady apartment building, that had the paint chipping and you could tell it had very few residents. As the cab driver drove away Natasha saw him get out a phone and make a call, she assumed that he was tipping off the Red Room. After all she was one of the most wanted people in Russia, she knew it was going to be hard to stay off their radar once she was in the country. Natasha climbed the ice covered stairs and unlocked the door to her apartment, from the outside it looked like all of the others. The paint was chipped and cracked, the plaster was crumbling away from the wall, and the number was missing off of the door. Natasha broke into the first door easily and shut it behind her so no one could see what lay inside. 

When the door closed behind her it was completely dark inside until one light appeared. It was a finger print scanner, when Natasha pressed her index finger to it a few lights more lights appeared along with a retinal scanner, hand print scanner and a keypad. Natasha went to the retinal scanner first, after it was satisfied it disappeared, she put her hand on the scanner next and a voice verification system engaged. 

"Natasha Romanoff." She said plainly and evenly. 

She then moved onto the keypad and typed in the code. After everything was verified and matched by the computer system, the inner, soundproof door opened. It revealed a state of the art safehouse. It was one of Natasha's many around the world, she had mostly stayed away from them unless she absolutely needed them while she was on her little hiatus, because Fury, Coulson, and Clint all had access to them and could see when and where they were accessed, but now she didn't care. She was going home after this mission, she was going back to the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D, she was going to try and fix things with Clint. She was going to put her life back together, she was tired of running from everything. 

Natasha put her bags down and took out the note from Tony along with two pictures, one, an Avengers family photo, it was the one they had used last year to put on their Christmas card. The other was a picture of her and Clint dancing from the night that she had told him about Elizabeth. She quickly changed into her heavy duty mission suit that had an extra layer of protection on the inside, loaded her weapons into their hidden compartments, and put the pictures along with the note in a pocket just over her heart. She wanted them close to her in case anything went wrong, she wanted them to know that she always loved them no matter what. She grabbed extra guns and magazines off the wall, stored them in a separate bag and left a note on the table in case anything happened, because she wasn't going to let herself get captured again. Before she left she looked in the mirror and noticed something was missing, she had her red hair pulled into a tight braid, out of her way and out of her mind. She immediately pulled the hairtie out and let the curls flow down, she pinned the front away from her face so she could see what she was doing. She wanted them to know that the Red Death was coming and the fury in her eyes would tell them that she was taking no prisoners. 

Bucky had just been woken up by the sound of his phone buzzing and quickly tried to orient himself. He was still flying, somewhere over Europe and had two hours left until the plane landed. He quickly found his phone and answered it while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Go for Barnes."

"Bucky. Thank god! I've been calling you for the past twenty minutes. Where the hell are these coordinates taking me? I took off from Paris about an hour ago, and I'm still trying to find Natasha, what the hell did you mean in your text? Did you find Nat, is she with you? Let me talk to her I need to tell her something."

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