Part 12

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Third person point of view: 

The girls walked out of their hideaway and were stunned when they walked into the living room. The boys had turned it into a makeshift dance floor with the furniture being pushed up against the walls leaving a big open space in the middle of the room with Fury sitting in the corner being the D.J. As they walk out Fury puts on the first song and it happens to be Clint and Natasha's favorite song. Clint walks up to Natasha and asks "May I have this dance?" Natasha blushes and lets Clint pull her on to the dance floor. 

"You know I am sorry about all of this." Clint says. 

"What do you have to have to be sorry for? You have given me everything I have ever wanted out of life." she whispers into his ear as they pull each other closer and sway to the music. Over Clint's shoulder she can see Sam pull Maria onto the dance floor. 

"You have always wanted this?" Clint asks utterly confused. 

"God you're an idiot." She says and pulls him closer to kiss him. After they pull apart Clint spins her around and keeps his hands on her stomach for the next two songs, until Steve cuts in just like planned. 

"Hello Natasha." Steve says as he replaces Clint

"Hi Steve. How excited were you when you found out you were going to be an uncle?" Natasha asks as Pepper and Tony make their way onto the dance floor 

"I might have almost broke the glass table I was sitting next to when I jumped on it." Steve said with a blush coming to his face 

"At least I know that this baby will be loved." She said as Steve spun her around and tripped over his own feet. Steve got up and looked as red as a tomato. 

"I guess I never really learned how to dance. I better go meet up with Bucky before he gets jealous." and then Rhodey cut in as soon as Steve had left. 

"You know I never got to thank you for looking after Tony for all these years. You've kept the idiot out of trouble for the most part." he said with a smile on his face "If you guys ever need anything just know that your family will be beside you the whole time." Rhodey said as he spun Natasha into the awaiting Thor's arms.

"Hello Lady Natasha." he said in his usual happy demeanor as tears had started to come to the corners of Natasha's eyes "Lady Natasha! What is wrong?" 

"Not a damn thing Thor. Not a thing." Natasha said with a smile.

"That is good. So when will I be able to take the child to Asgard?" 

"Thor the baby isn't going to be born for another seven months, so you are going to have to wait a while." she said confused. 

"That is a shame. Well the voices in my ear are telling me that it's Bucky's turn now so I must go." he says, then turns to walk away. Across the room Natasha can see Clint face-palm. As she turns around she is confronted by her old comrade. 

"Hi  Natalia."Bucky says in Russian  

"You know everyone just calls me Natasha now, Wint, right?"  She answers back in her native tongue 

"Well look who's talking. Old habits die hard for us don't they." Natasha simply nods her head. "I'm glad that you are getting the life that they took away from you. I am too Me and Steve got back together after he found me life is good. You know Natalia I will always be here for you, so will everyone else. We might be a little messed up but we are a family and we don't leave anyone behind. I've got to go now but." Bucky is cut off by Natasha giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. 

"Thank you for everything brother." She says in english and turns around to meet her next dance of the night 

"I guess lying is just in your nature Romanoff." A smug faced Tony meets her. 

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