Part 9

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Third person point of view:

Natasha and Clint walked into the lobby of the Avengers tower to find Pepper waiting for them in one of the big chase lounges with the T.V. on one of those home improvement shows. As soon as the door closed Pepper stood up and ran towards Natasha in one of her short, light pink dresses with her usual stilettos clacking against the tile as she went. 

"Natasha there you are I was starting to get worried." she said with out acknowledging Clint "Clinton" she said while glaring him

"Jesus Pepper what did I do to you?" Clint said while putting his hands up 

"You'll find out soon enough. Come on you guys Bruce has the lab all set up." she said pulling Natasha towards the elevator. Clint put on a confused face as the door shut and opened his mouth to ask another question when Pepper shot him a glare and he closed his mouth immediately. Natasha was standing in the front of the elevator next to Pepper and the two of them were holding hands. In the reflection of the elevator door Clint could just make out the smile on Natasha's face and he started beaming.   

The elevator dinged signalling the three to exit Pepper told Clint to go talk to Bruce who was standing by an examination table while the two girls stood by the elevator having a private conversation.

"Natasha it will be Ok. I promise whatever happens Tony and I will be here for you. You have kept Tony safe for me so I will keep you safe. I know it's scary, but we can figure it out. Maybe after Clint finds out he will ask you to marry him." Pepper whispered in her ear while giving Natasha a hug.

"He already asked me and I said yes." she said while showing the Pepper the ring Clint gave her 

"What! Oh my god! This is amazing! I'm so excited for you two. Now you have to tell me all about it later, but right now you need to go check on my little niece or nephew. OK?" Natasha nods her head and walks into the room where Bruce and Clint were talking. 

As Natasha walked in the room she could hear Clint and Bruce laughing. 

"What's so funny you guys?" Natasha asked as she walked in. 

"Nothing!" they both said at the same time straightening up like they were children who caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Natasha just rolled her eyes and looked to Bruce and nodded signalling that she was ready to get started. As Natasha laid down on the table Clint turned around just like they had talked about on the walk over and Bruce put the infamously cold gel on Natasha's stomach as the ultrasound machine started up. 

"So you two are an official thing now?" Bruce asked breaking the awkward silence

Clint replied "Yeah but don't tell anyone yet I want to see the look on Tony's face when he finds out." 

"Don't worry your secret is safe with me." he said winking at Natasha. Natasha simply smiled and waited as Bruce put the wand on her stomach and turned on the heartbeat monitor and a steady but fast ker-thump could be heard echoing throughout the room.

"OK Clint you can turn around now." Natasha said through the lump in her throat. As Clint turned around his hand went to his mouth and tears started to come to the corned of his eyes. 

"Tasha is that ours?" he said unable to pull his eyes away from the screen Natasha nodded her head and pulled Clint closer to her to hide the tears coming to her eyes. 

"Bruce do you know how far along the baby is?" Natasha asked pulling herself together enough to put her mask on.

"By my guess I'd say that your about eight weeks along. But I'm not entirely sure. You said that you were sterilized before, right?" Natasha nodded her head "I can't say for certain because the machine isn't giving me the clearest images but I can tell you for sure that there is one baby and everything looks to be going along really well and they seem to be healthy. But I want you to come back every week because there could be complications that could crop up because you weren't supposed to be able to get pregnant. I'm just going to print out a couple of pictures for you guys then I will leave you two to talk, OK?" Clint thanked him and Bruce walked out and left the machine on for Clint and Natasha to look at the baby.

"Tasha this is our baby. We made this!" Clint said, the realization dawning on him as he pointed to the small oval shaped object on the screen in front of him. The tears had started running down Natasha's face in rivers now. Clint looked over at Natasha and immediately knew something was wrong and ran the few steps over to her. "Natasha, baby whats wrong?" Natasha only shook her head "Nat honey you're scaring me. Tasha you have got to tell me what's wrong. No matter what it is we can fix it. You've just got to tell me and I'll fix it I promise." Clint frantically asked holding her head in his hands brushing the loose hair away from her face. 

"Clint I don't know how I am going to do this." Natasha whispered so low that Clint had to turn up his hearing aids just to understand her.

"Natasha you don't have to do this alone. You don't have to do anything alone anymore. I will be here for you for the whole time. We will figure it out together just like we always do. I am not leaving you any time soon." He knelt down and whispered in her ear.

"But Clint what if something happens to the baby? What if I can't give birth?" she whispered almost embarrassed.

"Natasha as long as I am on this earth I will not let anything happen to you or the baby, our baby. So don't worry as long as we are together we can make it through anything." Natasha sat up and Clint held he while she cried into his shoulder for a few minutes. When Natasha had stopped crying she kissed Clint and asked him if he was ready to tell the other Avengers. 

"I am so ready to tell them but we should probably get changed first." he laughed 

"Yeah you're probably right." she said with a smile on her face                    

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