Part 2

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Natasha walks out of the bathroom to Fury securing his office and telling Maria on the phone that unless the world is ending not to bother them.  As Natasha is waiting for him to finish she starts thinking about how much she cares about Nick and how much he cares about her. He wouldn't do this for any agent. And she is starting to realize that he is treating her as though she is his daughter. Natasha is awoken from her daydream by Nick tapping her shoulder.

"So Natasha how wrong was I?" He asks her patiently

"I couldn't look at it. Nick what if it says that I am pregnant. I can't be a mother. I am a super spy and so is Clint. We can't be parents. We aren't cut out for it. We both have kill counts over three hundred. We have to much blood on our hands, too much red in our ledgers, I don't deserve a child after everything that I have done. I don't know what to think or what to do. I was always told that I couldn't have kids that it wasn't a possibility. I..." Natasha is stopped suddenly when Nick comes over and gives her a hug and wipes away the tears that had started to fall from her eyes.

"Natasha it will be ok. I know you have always want kids and you would make a great mother and Clint a great father. You know this and S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers will always be behind you no matter what. And most importantly I will be with you and I will support you the whole time. You should know this by now Tasha. If you won't read the test then give it to me and I will read it." He says offering out his hand to her "Plus I can't wait to find out if I'm going to be an uncle." 

This invokes a small chuckle from Natasha but she immediately changes her expression to serious and says "Grandfather. if I'm pregnant then you will be the baby's grandfather. Along with Coulson of course, you two are the closest things me and Clint have to parents."

"Well it's a damn good thing that I've always want a grandchild because according to the test in your hand and the body scan I've been running since you've walked in. You're pregnant. I am pulling you off field duty immediately and I have already called Clint in from his mission in Budapest and he is on the way."

"Budapest. That's funny because the last time we had sex was in Budapest." said Natasha while laughing 

"Now that is not something you should tell the future Grandfather of your unborn child." He says sternly with a smile on his face "Clint should be landing in a few hours do you want to set up anything to surprise him?"

"What if Clint doesn't want a baby" the panic starting to set in on Natasha's face. "We never talked about having kids he knew I couldn't have them and it was a sore spot for me so we never talked about it. I don't think he wants kids Nick with how his old family used to treat him. I can't do this with out him." 

"Natasha stop panicking!" fury yells to stop Natasha's panic "Clint is the one who told me that something was off about you but he didn't know what it could be. So I looked into it and the only viable option to the symptoms he was telling me were that you are pregnant. I didn't tell him what it could be because I didn't want to get his hopes up, but he always told Coulson that he wanted a family. He just never told you because he knew you couldn't have kids. There is nothing for you to worry about. Plus if that asshole left you because you were going to have his kid I would kill him."

Natasha nods her head and gets up to give Fury a hug "Thank you Nick for everything I don't know what I would do with out you, Dad." 

That one little word had opened the floodgates and Nick started crying, he hadn't cried since his mom died just before Natasha had come to S.H.I.E.L.D over ten years ago. Fury thought that his mom had sent  him an angel to replace her when she died with, Natasha and tonight had just confirmed his theory because he became a grandfather and a dad all in the same night. Fury would make sure that no one would hurt his family. No one. Natasha and Nick stood there for over an hour just crying and hugging. After an hour Natasha finally spoke. 

"I should probably go get changed for when Clint gets back. I will wait for him in our room then I will bring him up to your office after so we can tell him together."

" I wouldn't count on it. I think Clint has some other plans for you guys tonight. So go change into something nice."

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