Part 24

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Third person point of view:

"Clint get up." Natasha said shaking him awake. Natasha was wearing one of Clint's S.H.I.E.L.D t-shirts because hers were getting too tight. Today was the day Clint and Natasha were going to find out the sex of the baby. If you knew Natasha well you could tell something was off about her figure and could probably guess that she was pregnant, but considering she was 18 weeks along she was still quite small. 

"Tasha I don't want to. It's so early." Clint whined.

"Fine I'll go to the ultrasound by myself then. I heard Fury might even make an appearance." Natasha said clearly annoyed.

"Oh shit! Today IS the ultrasound isn't it? I forgot! I'm up! Give me two minutes and I'll be down there!" Clint said scrambling to untangle himself from his blankets. Natasha only rolled her eyes and laughed while walking to look at the skyline from their window. In just under two minutes Clint was ready to go and had walked up behind Natasha to give her a hug. 

"You ready Tasha?" He whispered in her ear. 

"No. Not really. But the baby is coming no matter what, so we might as well find out what we are having, so we can be prepared."

"Everything is going to work out OK in the end Tasha. We got this."

"I don't know what I would do with out you Clint."

"Come on, let's go find out what we're having." Clint said with a laugh. The elevator ride down to the lab was short and they were greeted with Bruce's smiling face when they got off the lift. 

"Hey guys, you ready?" Bruce asked as soon as they stepped off. 

"I think so." Natasha said nervously. 

"Great. Come on lets get started." Bruce said excitedly. Bruce already had the ultrasound machine on and as soon as Natasha lifted her shirt up they got started.

"They baby is looking great. They are a tiny bit smaller than I would like, so Natasha you need to make sure you are eating more. I'm seeing a tiny bit of scaring around the outside edges of your womb that I haven't seen before, but that's nothing to be worried about. Other than that everything looks great."

"OK Bruce all of that is great, but what are we having?" Clint asked impatiently.

"Oh I'm not supposed to tell you guys." Bruce said like it was clear as day.

"Why can't you tell us Bruce?" Clint asked getting annoyed.

"Oh um uh. The others are throwing you a gender reveal party and I'm not supposed to tell you guys. You guys are going to find out at the party. It starts at 2:00 and Tony is flying us to the location." Bruce said embarrassed.

"Oh OK. I'm going to go talk to Pepper so I'll leave you two to chat." Natasha said hopping off the table. When the elevator closed Bruce had Jarvis send a pretyped text to the team who were anxiously awaiting to hear from him, at the store.

"Oh come on Bruce you can tell me. I wont tell Tasha, I promise."

"Sorry Clint I can't. Maria would kill me."

"Natasha there you are. So am I having a niece or a nephew?" Pepper asked when Natasha stepped out of the elevator.

"I don't know Pepper I get to find out at the party like everyone else."

"Ugh! I thought Bruce would tell you." 

"No he wouldn't, Clint tried to make him, but he didn't crack."

"Damn. Oh well. May I?" Pepper said asking for permission to feel the baby bump. "So, have you felt the baby move yet?"

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