Part 58

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Third person point of view:

Clint walked around the room with baby Ella in his arms as Natasha stood in the bathroom getting ready. Ella wasn't fussing she just liked to be held, both Clint and Natasha were quickly learning her quirks. Over the two days that they had spent with her they had learned she liked to be held and loved, she did not like loud noises or yelling especially when she was wearing her hearing aids and that she loved her baby blanket, but wasn't that every baby.

Natasha was applying her last touches of make-up and putting her earrings in when her phone rang, it was Tony calling.

"Yeah Tony."

"Are you guys almost ready? How's it going?"

"I'm nearly finished I just need my shoes. Clint are you and the baby ready to go?" Natasha called out to him while putting Tony on speaker.

"Ready as we are going to get." Clint said coming over to her with Ella in the carrier and her baby blanket thrown over his shoulder.

"Yeah Tony we're ready." Natasha said to him, slightly apprehensive for the night to come. Clint took notice and set Ella on the bed and walked over to Natasha.

"OK great! Here's the deal, no one really knows that you are alive and they definitely don't know about the baby. Does she have a name yet, because I feel really weird just calling her the baby."

"Tony." Natasha said trying to get him back on track without revealing the name to him.

"Right sorry. OK, so everyone just got here, all of us are sitting in the living room. Hell even Thor showed up and he has absolutely no idea what is going on. So what you three are going to do is go wait in the elevator and Jarvis is going to bring you guys up, but he won't open the doors until I give him the signal. Then you say something witty or spy like and we see where it goes from there." Tony said with the smile evident in his voice as Natasha and Clint heard quiet talking in the background.

"Do we go now?" Clint asked as he got Ella out of the carrier and handed her to Natasha.

"Yes. The sooner you get here the better. I don't know how much longer I can keep this secret." Tony said just as Rhodey called his name and he hung up the phone.

Natasha stared at Clint as he grabbed the carrier and started walking towards the elevator, but Natasha stayed rooted to her spot.

"Nat honey. It's going to be OK, everyone misses you and they are going to be ecstatic when they find out that you are OK and you're back home. By the time that we tell them about Ella they will be so happy that their heads might just explode. OK honey. Everything is going to go great." Clint said happily with a smile on his face as he saw Natasha chuckle at his joke.

Clint kissed her on the forehead and she started walking to the elevator with Ella in her arms, and Clint trailing behind the two of them. When they were loaded into the elevator Jarvis patched them into the conversation that was going on in the living room and started taking them up.

"So as all of you know we are gathered here today to celebrate Natasha."

"Tony do we really have to do this?" Maria asked as she saw how upset everyone was getting except for Fury, Tony and Bruce.

"Sorry I was just stalling until the company arrived."

The elevator arrived and the doors remained shut. Clint stood next to Natasha trying to ground her and keep her calm, he knew how much she hated being the center of attention. He did too, but he knew that she needed him right now so he would do anything he could to help her.

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