Part 16

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Third person point of view:

"Hey Jarvis do you know where Pepper is?" Natasha asked. 

"Yes. I will take you to her floor now." The AI responded mysteriously. Natasha rode in the silent elevator wonder what was going on with Pepper. She was never late and was always coming to look for Natasha when she didn't show up at the exact time they agreed upon. The elevator dinged and the doors opened to an unfamiliar floor. 

"Hey Jarvis I am a little lost can you guide me to her." Natasha asked

"Go through the door to your left." Natasha followed his command and saw a room full of boxes "Then take a right through the next door." The same sight met Natasha but she could hear muffled sobs through the next door and sprinted to it. She tried the door but it was locked.

"Jarvis unlock this door right now!" Natasha screamed. 

"I am sorry but Ms. Potts has ordered me not to open it for anyone." The AI replied uncertainly.

Natasha began pounding on the door "Pepper let me in right now!" The sobs continued "Pepper! Let me in!" Natasha heard nothing from the other side. "That's it! I'm coming in!" Natasha announced and kicked the door in. She saw Pepper crying on a half unpacked couch across the room and sprinted over. "Pepper what's wrong?" Natasha knelt down on the floor trying to look into Pepper's eyes, but Pepper shook her head and looked away.  "Pepper no matter what it is we can fix it. I can have us out of the country in less than three hours with new names and lives. Did Tony break up with you? 'Cause if he did I will march right upstairs and murder him where he stands." Natasha's last comment had gotten a small chuckle out of Pepper and she was starting to calm down.

"He didn't break up with me. At least I hope he didn't because that would be really bad." Pepper paused and Natasha gave her a confused look. "We should go get ready for brunch I will explain everything there." Pepper said pointing to the ceiling which was their sign for something that they didn't want Jarvis to hear. Natasha nodded and they made their way to Pepper's and Tony's floor. 

When they arrived at Pepper and Tony's shared floor the girls got ready in record time. They both fixed their make up and put on inconspicuous clothes. They then made their way down to Natasha's old room to grab the rest of their disguises. Natasha walked into her closet and grabbed their two facial morphing masks that could completely change the way someone's face looked at the push of a button. Natasha made her face a bit rounder, added freckles, and made her nose crooked. If you passed her on the street you probably wouldn't give her a second glance. Pepper made her face similar to Natasha's but added a fake pair of glasses. To anyone on the street they looked like sisters going out for brunch.

They made their way down the street happily, gossiping about Maria and Sam. Natasha noticed a tail about a block away from the restaurant and mentioned it to Pepper.

"Shit we've picked up a tail." Pepper started to glance back at him, but Natasha pointed to a nearby window display to distract her. "How many times do I have to tell you when I notice a tail not to look at them."  She whispered exasperated.

"Apparently a lot. Are you sure you aren't just being paranoid?" Pepper asked.

"Yes I am sure. I remember him from somewhere and he is definitely following us, has been for the past three blocks." Natasha said

"Don't worry he will realize that he has the wrong set of red heads at brunch, and if not I'll call Tony for a distraction." Pepper said and Natasha nodded. The entered their usual brunch spot and Pepper gave the waitress their names. "Hi, we have a reservation for Virginia and Natalie Rushman." It was a simple cover but sometimes the best covers are the simple ones. They were seated quickly at a table in the corner away from the front door. Natasha sat facing the door and Pepper sat across from her. 

"Alright you have to tell me what is going on right now." Natasha said anxiously 

"Today isn't supposed to be about me. It's supposed to be about you and Clint have you guys set a date yet?" Pepper deflected

"Virginia, you made today about you when I found you hiding in the storage closet crying." Natasha said not letting the subject drop.

"It's nothing really. I promise." Pepper lied.

"The last time I saw you cry Tony and you had both been tortured for five hours. So it's not nothing."  Natasha pried

"It's just bad timing that's all." Pepper said

"No!" Natasha said smiling. "Are you pregnant?" Pepper simply looked away "You are aren't you!" Pepper nodded. "Virginia what's wrong? This is great!"

"It's just really bad timing. I mean what am I supposed to do?" Pepper said scared

"How is it bad timing? You and Tony love each other and you both want kids. The world isn't ending anymore and what time is better than now?" Natasha asked

"You don't know do you?" Pepper asked. Natasha shook her head. "If people started to come after the kid part of the shadow protocol was for me and Tony to pretend it was ours."

"What!? I mean no offense but what?" Natasha nearly screamed.

"No I totally get it. I told them it was a bad idea not to tell you." Pepper said trying to calm Natasha down.

Natasha looked outside the window and noticed their tail again. "Call Tony." She said calmly

"I know you're upset but this doesn't change anything. It would still be your kid. It'd just be a front..." Pepper was suddenly cut off by Natasha "We can figure that out later. Our friend is back and the tattoo on his neck is Russian."

"Shit!" Pepper said as she got out her phone. Natasha was starting to get antsy as Pepper dialed Tony but kept up her composed mask.

"Hello?" Tony asked when he picked up the phone.

"Tony it's Pepper. We need a distraction." she said into the phone.

"Um. I'm a little busy right now can it wait?" He asked.

"What do you mean you're busy? No it can't wait. I wouldn't be calling you if it could." Pepper nearly yelled into the phone. 

"Um. I'll send Cap and Bucky. I love you. Bye." Tony rushed and then hung up. The line went dead and Pepper looked at Natasha. "He is sending Cap and Bucky. He's in the middle of something." 

"I heard." Natasha said shortly. They waited in silence for about five minutes asking for more time when the waitress came back to take their order. Then out of the window Natasha saw Steve and Bucky both wearing pride shirts step in front of their tail and kiss. Everyone rushed to the windows and took out phones to video the spectacle as Natasha and Pepper escaped out of the back exit.    

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