Part 30

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Third person point of view:

Bucky walked out of the elevator to check on Natasha. It had been a few hours since she had come out of her room so he went to see if she needed anything. He went to put his hand on the scanner to open the nursery door, but he stopped dead in his tracks. He heard Natasha singing old Russian lullabies and sat down to listen for a while.   

About an hour later Clint walked into his and Natasha's room to find Bucky sitting on the floor listening at the door of the nursery. 

"Hey Bucky. Whatcha doing?" Clint asked hesitantly. 

"Shh!" Bucky hissed and motioned for him to come to the door. "Nat's singing again. She's been doing it a lot and she sounds so beautiful, but if I bring it up she threatens to kill me, so I only listen at the door. Hey, when did you get back?" Bucky whispered. 

"I got back about an hour ago. I had to stop by S.H.I.E.L.D to get debriefed. How's Nat been while I've been gone?"

"All things considered she's holding up pretty well. She's worried about you though, and she's worried about the baby. To be honest I don't blame her. Her nightmares have been coming back even worse than before. She hasn't been sleeping much, but she is so damn excited for this baby, I mean we all are really." 

"That's great. I'll try and get her to sleep more. I have a week off before I have to get sent out on my next mission. What's she been doing in the nursery?" Clint asked him.

"She's been starting to set it up. Steve's going to start painting it soon. Pepper said she's starting to nest, whatever that means.  Nat's in what her seventh month now, right? I mean in like two months we are going to have a baby here, which is amazing. I mean Steve, Tony and I already started baby proofing everything. We put locks on the cabinets and Thor can't get into them and it's hilarious because he has to ask Pepper to undo them."

"That's great. Hey I'm going to go talk to Nat now so I'll talk to you later, alright?"

"Yeah man go take care of her." Bucky said getting up to leave. 

Clint opened the panel to the nursery and walked slowly up to Natasha so he wouldn't spook her.

"Hi love." Clint whispered getting her attention.

"Clint you're back!" Natasha said excitedly. 

"Oh I missed you," Clint said wrapping Natasha in his arms. "and I missed you too little one. Clint said kneeling down and kissing Natasha's belly."

"How's our little girl doing in there?" Clint asked. 

"She's doing great. Getting real comfortable in there, but she still is moving around a lot. Pepper is fascinated with her movements. I think she's trying to convince Tony to marry her so they can have a kid." 

"Oh please no. I love you to the ends of the universe and the same goes with the baby, and I love Pepper too, but the Avengers cannot handle two pregnant women back-to-back. We will absolutely disintegrate."

"I haven't been that bad have I?" Natasha asked looking slightly horrified. 

"No. No not at all. Well I mean the death threats have increased significantly, but other than that it's fine." 

"Oh my god. I'm sorry. I didn't know I was being that bitchy." Natasha said slightly embarrassed. 

"No. No. No. It's fine really. Speaking of pregnant ladies, how are you doing?"

"I'm holding it together. I'm just so excited for the baby to come I don't know what to do." Natasha said caressing her large bump. "Did you know that we have less than seven weeks until my due date?" 

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