Part 3

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Clint's point of view:

I was flying alone in the plane when Fury called, he told me I needed to come back to the Helicarrier tonight to propose to Natasha. I had been planning my proposal for months with out her finding out and I asked Fury for his permission to marry Natasha right before I went on this mission. He said he was fine with it as long as I loved her and I wouldn't leave her no matter what. I couldn't dream of leaving Natasha she was my everything and I wanted to have a life with her and maybe even adopt a couple of kids with her because she couldn't have her own. God I love her so much. We have been together romantically for over five years now and we have been friends for over ten. I could never dream of leaving Natasha she stayed with me through the Loki incident and me trying to kill her and all the other bullshit we've been through together over the years, how could I?

I have the whole night planned out for Natasha. I would go and get her from our room as soon as I landed. I would be wearing the tux I keep for all missions and hopefully she would be wearing her skintight, sapphire, floor length dress with a slit that goes up the side of the dress. I love that dress. I asked Nick when we were on the phone if he could ask her to dress nice because after I picked her up I would have a S.H.I.E.L.D pilot fly us to central park, it was one of her favorite places in the world. I was going to do it in Paris but she would think that is too cliche. After we take a walk in the park I would take her to Valentino's, her favorite restaurant. Then when the dessert comes I will pop the question. I made sure no one was going to be there tonight Nat's never liked when people would recognize her. I had to make sure tonight was perfect because she is the most perfect woman I have ever met and I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

 I was quickly pulled out of my daydream when my phone buzzed with a text from her, and a picture of her smiling popped up on my screen. The text said "After whatever it is you have planned for tonight we have to talk. It's nothing bad it's good actually but it affects the both of us and the team. "

I quickly replied with "OK. Sounds good. I can't wait to see you tonight."

While I had the plane on autopilot I started practicing what I was going to say to her tonight out loud. "Natasha I love you so much and I know that you love me too even though we don't say it often. You stayed with me when no one else would. You fought for me when nearly everyone wanted me dead. We have been there for each other through everything and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So Natalia Ailanovia Romanova will you marry me?" I always knew what I was going to say to her I just didn't know how I was going to say it. After I practiced a few more times I sat in silence for the rest of the plane ride and fiddled with the ring box I had in my pocket.      

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