Part 44

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Third Person point of view: 

Natasha made her way upstairs hoping that Clint would be there waiting for her. When she arrived at her hospital room she was met with no one, she paused for only a moment before giving up and moving on. Running through Natasha's head were feelings of self hate for ever thinking that she could have a family, for ever thinking that she could be happy, for ever wanting something more than a life full of killing, but most of all for thinking that someone could ever love her. 

She made her way up to her and Clint's room hoping that he would prove her wrong, but he wasn't there. She found the room nearly exactly how she had remembered leaving it more than a week ago, but Clint's go bag was moved onto the bed and a bottle of whiskey was missing off of the liquor shelf. When Natasha saw the bottle was missing she confirmed to herself that no one could ever love her and that Clint no longer loved her. She spun around for a moment trying to collect herself and her thoughts. She found the door to the nursery opened and made her way inside.

Her breath caught in her throat when she saw how pristine everything was. There wasn't a single thing out of place and on the wall she saw in Steve's handwriting 'Elizabeth Peggy Barton'. Natasha lost her mind when she saw it. She ran over to the baby changing table and pulled it away from the wall spilling the diapers and wipes everywhere. The corner where a collection of stuffed Avengers were was the next target of her rage. They were flung the entire way across the room and Natasha had no regard for what they hit. The bookcase was torn away from the wall next and then the picture frames were taken off of the walls and shattered. By the time Natasha had finished with the room the only thing that was left untouched was the baby's crib and the bear Bucky had gotten for the baby. Natasha's rage was evident and Jarvis had tried to stop her and tried to call the other Avengers, but none picked up their phones. They were all trying to cover for Natasha at S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters because the world security council had called an emergency meeting. When Natasha left the room and locked the door it looked like a tornado had been through it. 

She then moved on to change her clothes. She put back on her usual black and leather attire and her favorite boots that she loved. When she was changing her shirt she noticed that her stitches were entirely healed and she didn't even have a single stretch mark to remember her pregnancy by. This fueled her fury even more as she pulled out her go bag and backpack from the closet to pack what she needed. When she unzipped the bag she found a note laying on top that said:

"Dear Natasha,

I know there is nothing I can do to stop you from leaving because I already tried everything. There isn't much more to say other than to be safe and to come home whenever you're ready because we need you more than anything. The Avengers are your family and we will always be here to support you no matter what, and we won't stop looking for you no matter what you ask of us. Please be safe out there Natasha. We packed everything we thought you could ever possibly need. Bruce packed medical supplies, Pepper packed clothes and reminders of home, and I got you covered on tech and weapons. There's a new mission suit for you in here, I might have made a few upgrades. Be safe Natasha. I love you. 

With love, Tony." 

When Natasha read the note the first hint of a smile came to her face for the first time in over a week. She made her way to the lab and scanned her bags for any trackers and found two that she quickly disabled. She then hacked into Tony's computer and turned off Jarvis so he wouldn't know which way she was headed. After that she made her way back down to the hangar where the jet that was meant for her, Clint, and the baby was waiting. She took off the cover got in and started it up. As she was waiting for the jet to warm up she wrote a letter to the Avengers and left it taped to the door of her hospital room. She scanned the jet with the handheld device that she had and found that it was free of trackers. She opened the hangar door and set a timer for it to close. By the time she had got the plane in the air and was over the Atlantic ocean her personal cell phone was starting to pile up with messages and missed calls so she simply turned it off.  She put the plane on autopilot mode and got up to stretch. She went to the back of the jet and found her bags. She took out the note read it again and put it in her pocket. She grabbed out another leather jacket and replaced the one she had on. She slapped her widows bite bracelets on that hidden under her jacket. She tried to focus on anything other than the thing she was trying to avoid. Thankfully she wasn't alone with her thoughts for long because the plane was beeping at her telling her that the airport she had chosen to land at was coming up soon. She got clearance from the small airport tower and landed the plane. She put it in a hangar that her and Clint had bought several years ago and pulled out her fake Hungarian passport for the customs officer to check.         

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