Part 17

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Third person point of view:

The car ride back to the tower was silent. Natasha and Pepper sat in the back of one Tony's cars as Happy drove. They made it back to the tower fairly quickly avoiding the rush hour traffic. When they pulled in front of the tower and Happy let them out Natasha sent a text to Clint wanting to meet in their room. The elevator ride was a quick one giving Natasha just enough time to take off her mask. When the doors opened Clint was waiting for her on the couch.

"Hey Nat. How was lunch?" Clint asked unknowingly

"Oh you know the usual. We got followed there by a Russian guy. I found out Pepper is pregnant and that Steve and Bucky have made their relationship official." She said nonchalantly. "Oh yeah and I also found out that your's and Fury's solution to if people started to come after the kid was to give it to Tony and Pepper!" Natasha said with rage.

"Ok, Natasha I know you're mad. And I know what you are thinking but that's not it." Clint said trying to calm her down.

"Oh no Clint I'm not mad, I'm furious. I didn't think that I could ever have a kid which is something I've always wanted. Then I end up finding out that I'm pregnant.."

"Nat I know the story and I know you're furious I am too but just listen to the plan."

"No Clint! You don't know the story. And you don't know why I'm mad! So shut up and listen! They told me in the Red Room that I could never be anything more than what they made me to be. They told me I could never be anything other than a weapon." Tears were running down Natasha's face. "Now that I have this chance to show the world that I am not what they made me to be. You guys want to take that away from me and I won't let that happen."

Tears had started to fall from Clint's eyes as he said "I swear to you Natasha, I swear on my life, I swear on this kid's life. I am not trying to take the baby away from you. I am not trying to take away our chance at a new life. I'm trying to save it." He wiped his eyes on the back of his hand and took a breath. "The council is starting to get suspicious, Fury is barely keeping them at bay. The Red Room has started stirring, and Budapest is about to bite us in the ass. Everything is about to come crashing down around us and I am trying to stop it. Come here." He said reaching out to hold the still crying Natasha. He held her as they both cried. "Come on I have to show you something." He said taking her hand and pulling her to the wall behind the kitchen. 

"Put your hand right here." he said guiding her hand to a seemingly random tile which lit up at her touch and he did the same on his side. The wall retracted to reveal an elevator that they rode to a large mostly empty floor that was about the size of half a football field. On the far side of the room was a helicopter under a large sheet. To the right of the door was what looked like a waiting room in front a room with a closed door. Natasha stood in the room and spun around taking in her surroundings. "Clint what is all of this?" She asked tiredly. 

"This my love. Is the final step in the Shadow protocol." He said opening the door of the room to reveal what looked like a traditional labor and delivery room that you could find at any hospital in the country. "This is where the baby is going to be born. Me and Stark have been working on it since we found out. The helicopter is going to take us to a completely secure location after the baby is born and we make sure both of you are OK. Bruce already agreed to deliver the baby so it's one less thing we have to worry..." Clint was stopped abruptly when Natasha grabbed the examination table to keep from falling over as the color drained from her face. Clint ran over to her and caught her before she fell. "Natasha! Natasha baby! Come on wake up!" He said frantically tapping her face to wake her, when she didn't respond he scooped her up bridal style and ran to the elevator.             

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