Don't Lie (Logicality)

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Trigger Warning: Sadness, Swearing, Gay Shit, and Cuteness overload.

Today was like any other day. Princey was being his usual overly-dramatic self, Virgil was being depressing, Logan was being smart yet oblivious, and Patton was faking his happiness.

Like any other day.

Let me explain. Patton represents Morality, which is Thomas' heart. Patton feels all kinds of emotions, such as happiness and sadness. He hides his pain because he doesn't want the others to worry and stress.

So, he puts on his fake smile, and goes on with his day. His happy, happy day. But he was being off today. Not like his usual overly-happy self. No, he was being less happy.

He was starting to lose control.

Logan noticed this and was wanting to investigate, he was concerned. Seeing as Logan has feeling for the older side, it is only normal to feel this way.

After the new Sander Sides video, Patton immediately went to his room. Logan followed quietly. He reached the bright blue door and heard faint cries. His worry only grew.

Patton was in his room. Sobbing, yet he was still smiling. I'm just the annoying side, the one nobody likes because I'm annoying as all hell! He thought. It would be considered selfish if you left Thomas. He would be a boring price of nothing without you. But you're still annoying. Every tear that came from his eyes, was a glimpse of how he really felt.

He didn't noticed Logan had opened the door until he looked up. He jumped in surprise. After he was over his shock, he wiped his eyes frantically, trying to hide any evidence of him crying. "Hey kiddo! Do you need something?" He asked, smiling. Smiling.

"Why are you crying, Patton?" Logic asked.
"What are you talking about? I'm not crying! In fact! I feel great! I feel fantastic," Patton said, tear after tear streaming down his face,"I feel awesome.." he finished.

Patton dropped to his knees and sobbed, ugly sobs. Looking up he saw Logan's worried expression. He stayed on the ground and smiled up at the logical side. "I'm fine." He reassured Logan, trying to get him to leave.

"You are not fine, Patton. Hiding your true emotions in not healthy for your mental health." Logan stated, sitting next to Patton, pulling him into a side hug. Patton smiled, really smiled, and tackled Logan into a hug. Logan wrapped his arms around the other and hugged back.

After a while of hugging, they moved to Patton's bed. Cuddling. "You know, you really know how to cuddle for a side who doesn't know a lot about emotions." Patton said, breaking the comfortable silence that once was.

"And you are a pretty good actor." Logan chuckled, holding the other tightly, thinking that if he let go, Patton would fall apart. Said side turned over facing Logan. He looked into the chocolate brown eyes of the intelligent boy.

They were inches apart. Until Patton closed the gap between them.


Not good

I know.

Be sure to watch the new Sander Sides video! Little spoiler, there IS a new 'side' introduced!



Ok bye

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