Snek - (Analogical)

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Triggers: None bc it's fluffy, and maybe a kinda sad deceit. I KNOW ITS NOT ANGSTY IM SORRY I COULDNT AFTER THE SUICIDE ROOM THING! I PROMISE ILL MAKE IT UP TO YOU!!

@ihatesocialsettings thanks for the request! Sorry it isn't angst to fluff...

Let's do dis

Logan and Virgil were on the coach cuddling. Logan Latin on his back and Virgil on top of him, his head resting on Logans chest while Logan played with his hair.

Today was a good day, not perfect, but good.

Deceit decided that right now was a good idea to get a cookie, or you know...A mouse. Either one would satisfy...

While he was walking down the stairs, he saw the adorable sight in front of him. "aaaaWWWWWEEEEEEE!" He yelled, startling the couple.

"Jesus Deceit! You can't frickin' do that!" Virgil said, voice frantic but calm (?).

"Sorry, but you guys are not adorable. I honestly don't want that in the future!"

"Go find Patton, he'll cuddle with you. I'm sure he will." Logan responded, slightly feeing bad for the snek. "Yeah, Patton would love to cuddle with the snek!"

Deceit smiled, "Maybe this snek will not go find Patton!" And he skipped away, forgetting about his food on the counter. (Because he magically got it without going to the kitchen)

Virgil looked over and looked at the dead mouse in the eyes. His eyes widened and he quickly ran away. "I WILL NEVER SURRENDER YOU DISGUSTING BEAST!" He yelled as he ran down the hall.

"...Jesus Virgil..."

I don't know what this is...


Anyways, I'll be writing some more and possibly posting. But I'm in school so, who knows?

I hope you liked it. It's not what I had in mind but it's something. It's short though.

Hope it satisfied you.



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